Novel modes of localization and function of nanos in the wasp Nasonia

DEV054213 Supplementary Material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Figure S1 -

    Fig. S1. Effects of Nv-smaug pRNAi on blastoderm formation and syncytial divisions. (A,B) DAPI stain of wild-type cycle 11 and 13 embryos, respectively, showing the general uniformity of divisions and distribution of nuclei of the syncytial blastoderm of Nasonia. After Nv-smaug pRNAi, this uniformity is disturbed (C-F). The central regions of the embryo seem to be the most sensitive to reduction of Nv-smaug, with nuclei being more sparsely and chaotically distributed (C-E). In less strongly affected embryos, there are no major gaps or spaces in the blastoderm (F), but multilayering of nuclei, and non-synchronous mitoses, are still observed.