Novel Antibacterial Proteins from the Microbial Communities Associated with the Sponge Cymbastela concentrica and the Green Alga Ulva australis
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Yung et al. 77: 1512
Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Supplemental materials and methods, zones of inhibition resulting from antibacterial activities of E. coli clones on a bacterial target lawn (Fig. S1), clone UaAb1 exhibiting a zone of clearance as a result of tributyrin degradation and loss of lipolytic activity from its transposon knockout mutant (Fig. S2), schematic representations of the entire insert DNAs of CcAb1, CcAb2, and UaAb1 (Fig. S3), primers used (Table S1), protein similarity search for antibacterial protein sequences against a noncurated database (Table S2), and details of the fosmid DNA inserts of the antibacterial clones (Table S3).
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