Validation of a Clostridium Endospore Viability Assay and Analysis of Greenland Ices and Atacama Desert Soils
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Yang and Ponce 77: 2352

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Excitation spectrum (λem = 545 nm) of the agarose substrate of micro EVA when 108C. sporogenes endospores were inoculated, taken with a Fluorolog-3 fluorimeter at a front-face configuration (Fig. S1); two simple germinated spores under micro EVA in one field of view (Fig. S2); endospores inoculated on Tb3+/D-alanine-doped agarose (Fig. S3); micro EVA images showing germinated spores in the ice core sample and in the Atacama soil sample (Fig. S4).
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