The MreB-Like Protein Mbl of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) Depends on MreB for Proper Localization and Contributes to Spore Wall Synthesis
J. Bacteriol. Heichlinger et al. 193: 1533

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Fig. S1, strategy for inactivation of mbl; Fig. S2, inactivation of sco6166; Fig. S3, sporulation defect of S. coelicolor mutants defective in mreB homologues; Fig. S4, transmission electron micrographs of M145 and the Δmbl mutant; Fig. S5, fluorescence of SCO6166-mCherry in the substrate mycelium of S. coelicolor M145; Fig. S6, localization of MreB-eGFP to the spore periphery in Δmbl and Δpbp2 mutants; Fig. S7, transcriptional analysis of the mbl-mcherry fusion gene in the ΔmreB mutant
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