Chromatin Reassembly Factors Are Involved in Transcriptional Interference Promoting HIV Latency
J. Virol. Gallastegui et al. 85: 3187
Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Table S1 (Oligonucleotides used for conventional PCR or real-time PCR.)
Table S2 (Sequences of shRNAs used.)
Fig. S1 (Sequencing data on the HIV integration site in J-Lat E27 and splicing events detected.)
Fig. S2 (Activation of latent full-length HIV downregulates host gene expression at the integration site.)
Fig. S3 (HIV induction upon serum starvation affects UBXD8 expression.)
Fig. S4 (Spt6 depletion enhances reactivation in J-Lat cells containing a latent full-length HIV provirus.)
Fig. S5 (Analysis of HIV transcription in J-Lat E27 cells upon Chd1 depletion.)
Fig. S6 (Increased sensitivity of chromatin to MNase digestion upon PMA treatment.)
Fig. S7 (Effect of Spt6 depletion on cellular gene expression in clone J-Lat A2.)
Fig. S8 (The Hir complex and the histone chaperon Asf1 are required for the repressive role of the HIV R/U5 region on yeast basal transcription.)
Fig. S9 (Effect of ASF1a, HIRA, and Spt16 depletion on UBXD8 gene expression in clone J-Lat E27.)
Fig. S10 (Occupancy of Sp1 on the latent HIV locus.)
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