Supporting Figure 4 A

Supporting Figure 4 B

Supporting Figure 4 C

Fig. 4. Global comparison of the number of B. burgdorferi genes expressed in the CNS and heart of NHPs. The expression profiles of plasmid-encoded genes of B. burgdorferi N40 (Dexa) and JD1 (Competent) (A) and chromosome-encoded genes of B. burgdorferi N40 (B) and B. burgdorferi JD1 (C) in the CNS and heart of NHPs grouped by putative function as categorized by TIGR. The functional categories are: ARS, amino acid biosynthesis; B, biosynthesis; CE, cell envelope; CH, chemotaxis proteins, D, cell division; F, flagellar biosynthesis; FM, fatty acid metabolism; GM, general metabolism; HE, hemolysins; HS, heat-shock proteins; HX, conserved hypothetical proteins; IM, intermediary metabolism; NM, nucleotide metabolism; PD, protein degradation; PE, protein export; R, replication; RP, ribosomal proteins; TF, translation factors; TP, transport proteins; TR, transcription; U, hypothetical proteins; and X, other. Individual gene listings are provided in Tables 2–4.