Heavy Metal Tolerance of Fe(III)-Reducing Microbial Communities in Contaminated Creek Bank Soils
Appl. Environ. Microbiol. Burkhardt et al. 77: 3132
Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Additional information about (i) the geochemistry of the field site, including Fig. S1 showing Fe(II) and average metal concentrations of the pore water in the soil profile of the contaminated creek Gessenbach; (ii) detailed material and method information about clone library construction from the metal-amended cultures, DGGE analysis, and agar shake technique used in this study; and (iii) summary of the phylogenetic affiliation and distribution of SSU rRNA gene clones from clone libraries of metal-amended enrichment cultures (Table S1).
PDF file, 137K.