Table B Compliance rates among UC beneficiaries*
Table A Actuarial estimation of resource requirement
[posted as supplied by author]
Institutional visits |
Health centres |
District hosp |
Provincial hosp |
Private clinics |
Private hosp |
All levels |
Make up of total annual per capita resource requirements |
Outpatient and inpatient care |
High cost care |
Emergency care |
Preventive care (20% of outpatient and inpatient care) |
Capital (10% of outpatient and inpatient care) |
Total cost /cap/year |
Reported illness rate 4.34 per capita per year * 0.151 * 60 B / visit = 39 B / cap/yr at health centres.
Admission rate 0.066 per capita per year * 0.332 *2,857 B/adm. = 63 B / cap / yr at District hospital.
Source: 12
Table B Compliance rates among UC beneficiaries*
[posted as supplied by author]
Income level |
<2,500 |
2,500-<5,000 |
5,000-<7,500 |
7,500-<10,000 |
10,000-<15,000 |
>15,000 |
All |
*Proportion of those seeking care who use their registered provider.
Source: 13