ValimYeKavanaughDavid H.ShiHongliangLiangHongbinA key to species of subgenus Lithochlaenius (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Chlaeniini, Chlaenius), with descriptions of three new speciesZookeys9920112011128155210.3897/zookeys.128.1804 Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) agilis ChaudoirFigs 22–23364146–4955, 62–6469, 76–7883, 90–92100, 113–115123–124138–143147158Chlaenius latro LaFerté-Sénectère, 1851:250 (unavailable). Nomen nudum stat. n.Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir, 1856:246; 1876:193; Kryzhanovskij, 1976:12Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, 1889:212; Kirschenhofer, 1997:116; Kirschenhofer, 2005:490. syn. n.Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, 1956:194; Kirschenhofer, 2005:490. syn. n.Chlaenius nuristanus a. rubridipes Jedlička, 1956:194 (not available, ICZN Articles 10A and 45.6.2).Stenochlaenius anchomenoides Bates: Mandl, 1972:104Specimens examined.

Total 15 specimens. India: type: male (MNHN), "agilis Chaud, Ind. orient bor. C. Boys.”/ "TYPE agilis”/ "Ex Musaeo Chaudoir”/ "agilis Chd”; Cotype: female (MNHN), "agilis Chaud, Ind. orient bor. C. Boys.”/ "TYPE agilis”/ "Ex Musaeo Chaudoir”/ "agilis Chd” ; Cotype: male (MNHN), "agilis Chaud, Ind. orient bor. C. Boys.”/ "latro”; 2 males and 3 females (CASC), "Bajaura, Kongra district (Indes Angl.)”/ "G. Babault, Juin 1914”/ "van Dyke collection”/ "Chlaenius agilis, Chaud., H.E. Andrewes det.”. 1 female (CASC), "W. Almora Divn, Kumaon U.P., Apr. 1917, HGC.”/ "Van Dyke Collection”. Pakistan: Cotype: 2 males (BMNH), "Goorais valley, 7000ft, V. 87”/ "H. E. Andrews Coll. B. M. 1945–97”/ "Ex coll. R. Oberthür”/ "Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, cotype, H. E. Andrews det.”/ "Co-type”. Afghanistan: 1 female (MNHN), "J. Klapperich, Bashgultal, 1100m, Nuristan, 22.4.53, Afghanistan”/ "Chlaenius nuristanus sp. n, det. ING. JEDLICKA”/ "Type”;

Paratype: 2 males (MNHN), "J. Klapperich, Asmar, 900m, Kunartal, 3.4.53, O-Afghanistan”/ "Chlaenius nuristanus sp.n, det. ING. JEDLICKA”/ "PARATYPE”; Type: 1 male (MNHN), "J. Klapperich, Asmar, 900m, Kunartal, 3.4.53, O-Afghanistan”/ "Chlaenius nuristanus a. rubridipes n. det. ING. JEDLICKA”/ "TYPUS”; Cotype: 1 male (MNHN), "J. Klapperich, Asmar, 900m, Kunartal, 3.4.53, O-Afghanistan”/ "Chlaenius nuristanus a. rubridipes n. det. ING. JEDLICKA”/ "Cotype”.


Antennomere 1 elongate ovoid (Figs 55, 62–64); basal two-thirds of intervals 1–5 glabrous medially, with one row of pubescence laterally near striae (Figs 83, 90–92); aedeagus abruptly bent near base (Figs 124, 139, 141, 143).


Total length = 15.50–16.00 mm (mean = 15.50), width = 5.60–6.10 mm (mean = 5.73); HW = 2.75–2.95 mm (mean = 2.82), EYL = 1.00–1.15 mm (mean =1.00), ratio Ant3/Ant1 = 1.67–1.83 (mean = 1.71), PL/PW = 0.84–0.85 (mean = 0.85), EL/EW = 1.63–1.73 (mean = 1.71), EYL/ PL = 1.15–1.44 (mean = 1.34). Mensural data cited in the description were obtained from type and cotype specimens examined.

Head, pronotum and elytra black, with green or blue metallic luster; ventral surface black; mandibles and trochanters dark brown; palpomeres, femora, and tarsomeres brown to dark brown; antennae and tibiae yellow to brown (Figs 22–23, 3641).

Head with vertex smooth or very sparsely punctate behind eyes; antennomere 1 elongate ovoid (Figs 55, 62–64); labrum slightly emarginate at apex. Pronotum with disk smooth; basal foveae deep, sparsely punctate and pubescent (Figs 22, 36, 38, 40). Elytra with intervals convex, basal two-thirds of intervals 1–5 glabrous medially, with one row of pubescence laterally near striae (Figs 83, 90–92), intervals 6–9 and apical one-third of intervals 1–5 densely pubescent; striae deep, punctate; humeral angle obtuse (Figs 69, 76–78). Abdominal sterna IV–VI sparsely pubescent medially; sternum VII rugose–pubescent, narrowly rounded apically in males (Figs 100, 113–114), broadly rounded apically in females (Fig. 115). Aedeagus abruptly bent near base, apical lamella round (Figs 123, 138, 140, 142), thin and slight bent ventrally (Figs 124, 139, 141, 143).

Labels of Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) spp46 holotype, Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir (see Figs 22–23)47 Cotype, Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates (see Figs 40–41)48 Paratype, Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička (see Figs 42–43)49 Cotype, Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička (see Figs 44–45)50 Holotype, Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička (see Fig. 4851 Holotype, Chlaenius formosanus Jedlička (see Fig 49).

Antennomere 1 of Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) species52 Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n., holotype53 Chlaenius linwensini sp. n., holotype54 Chlaenius propeagilis sp. n., holotype55 Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir, holotype56 Chlaenius formosensis Lorenz, CCCC57 Chlaenius leishanensis Kirschenhofer, IZCAS58 Chlaenius noguchii Bates, IZCAS59 Chlaenius wrasei Kirschenhofer, IZCAS60 Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička, IZCAS61 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik from Ussuri region, IZCAS62 Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, paratype63 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, paratype64 Chlaenius nuristanus a. rubridipes Jedlička, paratype65 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik from Taiwan,CCCC. Scale line = 1.0 mm.

Humeral region of elytra of Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) spp66 Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n., holotype67 Chlaenius linwensini sp. n., holotype68 Chlaenius propeagilis sp. n., holotype69 Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir, holotype70 Chlaenius formosensis Lorenz, CCCC71 Chlaenius leishanensis Kirschenhofer, IZCAS72 Chlaenius noguchii Bates, IZCAS73 Chlaenius wrasei Kirschenhofer, IZCAS74 Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička, IZCAS75 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik from Ussuri region, ZCAS76 Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, paratype77 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, paratype78 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, paratype79 Chlaenius rambousekiLutshnik from Taiwan, CCCC. Scale line = 1.0 mm.

Elytral intervals of Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) spp. 80 Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n., holotype81 Chlaenius linwensini sp. n., holotype82 Chlaenius propeagilis sp. n., holotype83 Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir, holotype84 Chlaenius formosensis Lorenz, CCCC85 Chlaenius leishanensis, IZCAS86 Chlaenius noguchii Bates, IZCAS87 Chlaenius wrasei Kirschenhofer, IZCAS88 Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička, IZCAS89 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik from Ussuri region, IZCAS90 Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, paratype91 Chlaenius nuristanusJedlička, paratype92 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, paratype93 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik from Taiwan,CCCC. Scale line = 1.0 mm.

Abdominal sternum VII (ventral aspect) of Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) species94 Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n., male, holotype95 Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n., female, paratype96 Chlaenius linwensini sp. n., male, holotype97 Chlaenius linwensini sp. n., female, paratype98 Chlaenius propeagilis sp. n., male, holotype99 Chlaenius propeagilis sp. n., female, paratype100 Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir, male, holotype101 Chlaenius formosensis Lorenz, male102 Chlaenius formosensis Lorenz, female103 Chlaenius leishanensis Kirschenhofer, male104 Chlaenius leishanensis Kirschenhofer, female105 Chlaenius noguchii Bates, male106 Chlaenius noguchii Bates, female107 Chlaenius wrasei Kirschenhofer, male108 Chlaenius wrasei Kirschenhofer, female109 Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička, male110 Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička, female111 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik, from Ussuri region, male112 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik from Ussuri region, female113 Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, male, paratype114 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, male, paratype115 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, female, paratype116 Chlaenius formosanus Jedlička from Taiwan, male. Scale line = 1.0 mm.

Aedeagi of Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) species117 Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n., holotype (dorsal view)118 Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n., holotype (left lateral view)119 Chlaenius linwensini sp. n., holotype (dorsal view)120 Chlaenius linwensini sp. n., holotype (left lateral view)121 Chlaenius propeagilis sp. n., holotype (dorsal view)122 Chlaenius propeagilis sp. n., holotype (left lateral view)123 Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir, holotype (dorsal view)124 Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir, holotype (left lateral view)125 Chlaenius formosensis Lorenz, holotype (dorsal view)126 Chlaenius formosensis Lorenz, holotype (left lateral view)127 Chlaenius leishanensis Kirschenhofer (dorsal view)128 Chlaenius leishanensis Kirschenhofer (left lateral view)129 Chlaenius noguchiiBates (dorsal view)130 Chlaenius noguchiiBates (left lateral view). Scale lines: A = 1.0 mm (Figs 117, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, 129); B = 0.5 mm (Figs 118, 120, 122, 124, 126, 128, 130).

Aedeagi of Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) species 131 Chlaenius wrasei Kirschenhofer (dorsal view) 132 Chlaenius wrasei Kirschenhofer (left lateral view)133 Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička (dorsal view) 134 Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička, holotype (left lateral view) 135 Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička (left lateral view) 136 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik from Ussuri region (dorsal view)137 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik from Ussuri region (left lateral view) 138 Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, paratype (dorsal view) 139 Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, paratype (left lateral view)140 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, paratype (dorsal view, black leg) 141 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, paratype (left lateral view) 142 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, paratype (dorsal view, yellow leg)143 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, paratype (left lateral view)144 Chlaenius rambousekiLutshnik from Taiwan (dorsal view)145 Chlaenius rambousekiLutshnik from Taiwan (left lateral view). Scale lines: A = 1.0 mm (Figs 131, 133, 136, 138, 140, 142, 144); B = 0.5 mm (Figs 132, 134, 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 145).

Color variation.

Color of antennae, palpomeres, femora, and tibiae varied from medium brown to dark brown or even black among different individuals (Figs 22–23, 3641).

Geographical distribution.

Fig. 158. Known only from eastern Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India.


Mensural data cited in the description were obtained from type and cotype specimens examined. The name Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir was once treated as a junior synonym of Chlaenius latro LaFerté–Sénectère (Csiki 1931, Kirschenhofer 1997). However, in his work, LaFerté–Sénectère (1851) did not provide a specific description of Chlaenius latro. This means that Chlaenius latro LaFerté–Sénectère is a nomen nudum, and therefore, unavailable.

Kirschenhofer (2005) considered Chlaenius nuristanusJedlička to be a junior synonym of Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates. We have examined the types and/or cotypes of Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir, Chlaenius anchomenoides, Chlaenius nuristanus and its aberration Chlaenius nuristanusa.rubridipes, and found no significant differences between them, except for variation in the color of antennae and legs. The aedeagi are abruptly bent near the base in all dissected males (Figs 124, 139, 141, 143).

Mandl (1972: 104) assigned Chlaenius anchomenoides to genus Stenochlaenius. Based on the pubescent elytral intervals and incomplete elytral basal margin in members of Chlaenius anchomenoides, we do not agree with this assignment.

Habitus ofChlaenius (Lithochlaenius) spp22 Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir, holotype, dorsal view23 Chlaenius agilis Chaudoir, holotype, ventral view24 Chlaenius formosensis Lorenz, male, in CCCC, dorsal view25 Chlaenius formosensis Lorenz, ventral view26 Chlaenius leishanensis Kirschenhofer, male, in IZCAS, dorsal view27 Chlaenius leishanensis Kirschenhofer, male, in IZCAS, ventral view. Scale line = 5.0 mm.

Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) spp34 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik, male, collected from Ussuri region, in IZCAS, dorsal view35 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik, male, collected from Ussuri region, in IZCAS, ventral view36 Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, cotype, male, in BMNH, dorsal view37 Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, cotype, male, in BMNH, ventral view38 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, paratype, male, in MNHN, dorsal view39 Chlaenius nuristanus Jedlička, paratype, male, in MNHN, ventral view. Scale line = 5.0 mm.

Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) spp40 Chlaenius nuristanus a. rubridipes Jedlička, paratype, male, in MNHN, dorsal view41 Chlaenius nuristanus a. rubridipes Jedlička, paratype, male, in MNHN, ventral view42 Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička, holotype, male, in NMPC, dorsal view43Chlaenius formosanus Jedlička, holotype, male, in NMPC, dorsal view44 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik, from Taiwan, male, in IZCAS, dorsal view45 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik, from Taiwan, male, in IZCAS, ventral view. Scale line = 5.0 mm.

Habitus of Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) spp16 Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n., holotype, male, dorsal view17 Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n., holotype, male, ventral view18 Chlaenius linwensini sp. n., holotype, male, dorsal view19 Chlaenius linwensini sp.n., holotype, male, ventral view20 Chlaenius propeagilis sp. n., holotype, male, dorsal view21 Chlaenius propeagilis sp. n., holotype, male, ventral view. Scale line = 5.0 mm.

Photographs of habitats for Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius) spp. 146 Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n., Dabaitang, Xishui county, North Guizhou, China147 Chlaenius anchomenoides Bates, Goorais valley, Pakistan (Provided by Dr. Muhammad Abbas in Pakistan Museum of Natural History)148 Chlaenius propeagilis sp. n., Gaoligongshan, Yunnan, China149 Chlaenius leishanensis Kirschenhofer,Xiaodanjiang, Leigongshan, Leishan county, Southeast Guizhou, China150Chlaenius chuanqianensis sp. n. and Chlaenius agiloides Jedlička, Jinshajiang, Sichuan151 Chlaenius rambouseki Lutshnik, Ussri river, Heilongjiang, China.

Map showing the known geographical distributions of Chlaenius (Lithochlaenius)spp.

CsikiE (1931) Carabidae: Harpalinae V (Pars 115). In: JunkWSchenklingS (Eds). Coleopterorum catalogus.Volumen II. Carabidae II, W. Junk, Berlin: 739-1022.KirschenhoferE (1997) Contribution to the faunistics and taxonomy of Carabidae (Coleoptera) of Korea.Annales Historico-Naturales Musei Nationalis Hungarici 89: 103-122.LaFerté–SénectèreFT de (1851) Revision de la tribu des patellimanes de Dejean, coléoptères pentameres de la famille des carabiques. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (2) 9: 209294.KirschenhoferE (2005) Weiter neue Arten der Gattung Chlaenius Bonelli 1810 aus China, Myanmar und Indien (Coleoptera, Carabidae).Linzer Biologische Beiträge 37: 489-501.MandlK (1972) Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Genus Stenochlaenius Reitter. Die Arten der Gruppe coeruleus Steven. (Col. Carabidae).Nachrichtenblatt der Bayerischen Entomologen 21: 97-105.