Mutations in Flavobacterium johnsoniae sprE Result in Defects in Gliding Motility and Protein Secretion
J. Bacteriol. Rhodes et al. 193: 5322

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Supplemental Movie 1: Movie S1, attachment and movement of wild-type and mutant cells of F. johnsoniae on glass
    QuickTime Movie file, 11.3MB.
  • Supplemental file 2 - Supplemental Movie 2: Movie S2, cells of sprE mutants exhibit some movement on glass
    QuickTime Movie file, 5.4MB.
  • Supplemental file 3 - Supplemental Movie 3: Movie S3, binding and movement of protein G-coated polystyrene spheres
    QuickTime Movie file, 14.2MB.
  • Supplemental file 4 - Table S1, distribution of orthologs of sprE and other porSS genes
    Zipped PDF file, 136K.
  • Supplemental file 5 - Fig. S1, Western immunoblot detection of SprB in whole-cell extracts
    Zipped PDF file, 145K.
  • Supplemental file 6 - Fig. S2, effect of mutation in sprE on ability to utilize chitin
    Zipped PDF file, 485K.
  • Supplemental file 7 - Fig. S3, effect of mutation in sprE on bacteriophage resistance
    Zipped PDF file, 1.3MB.
  • Supplemental file 8 - Fig. S4, model depicting the F. johnsoniae PorSS proteins involved in secretion of SprB and chitinase
    Zipped PDF file, 139K.
  • Supplemental file 9 - Legends to Movies S1 to S3
    Zipped PDF file, 67K.