Supplementary material for Grünenfelder et al. (April 3, 2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.071538098.

Supplemental Table 2 (Original version)
Supplemental Table 2 (Second version)

Table 2. Complete data set


Two-dimensional gel protein spot number.


Caulobacter crescentus genome ORF number (1).


Putative function determined by BLAST homology searches.

Cell cycle expression cluster:

All spots with differential cell cycle expression are indicated with the number of the cluster they were assigned to by cluster analysis.

Transcriptome comparison:

Result of comparison of cell cycle dependent protein expression patterns with corresponding mRNA transcription data from a DNA microarray study by Laub et al. (2).

Yes: mRNA and protein profiles match.

No: protein expression but not mRNA levels fluctuate.

Inverse: mRNA and protein profiles are inverse.

No data: no data available from transcriptome study.

Different ORF number in microarray analysis:

Where indicated the corresponding mRNA data was assigned to a different ORF number in the transcriptome analysis.

Synchrony effect:

Effect of the synchronization procedure on protein expression.

Change during chase:

Change in spot intensity during chase time.

Export signal peptide:

N-terminal export signal sequence predicted by SIGNALP (; ref. 3).

G1 mean:

Mean expression value in G1 phase.

G1 Std Err:

Standard error in G1 phase.

eS Mean:

Mean expression value in early S phase.

eS Std Err:

Standard error in early S phase.

lS Mean:

Mean expression value in late S phase.

lS Std Err:

Standard error in late S phase.

G2 Mean:

Mean expression value in G2 phase.

G2 Std Err:

Standard error in G2 phase.

Div Mean:

Mean expression value after cell division.

Div Std Err:

Standard error after cell division.

Before Syn Mean:

Mean expression of asynchronous cultures before the synchronization procedure.

Before Syn Std Err:

Standard error of asynchronous cultures before the synchronization procedure.

After Syn Mean:

Mean expression of asynchronous cultures after the synchronization procedure.

After Syn Std Err:

Standard error of asynchronous cultures after the synchronization procedure.

Pulse Chase 0' Mean:

Mean value after 0-min chase.

Pulse Chase 0' Std Err:

Standard error after 0-min chase.

Pulse Chase 60' Mean:

Mean value after 60-min chase.

Pulse Chase 60' Std Err:

Standard error after 60-min chase.

Pulse Chase 120' Mean:

Mean value after 120-min chase.

Pulse Chase 120' Std Err:

Standard error after 120-min chase.


1. Nierman, W. C., Feldblyum, T. V., Laub, M. T., Paulsen, I. T., Nelson, K. E., Eisen, J., Heidelberg, J. F., Alley, M. R. K., Ohta, N., Maddock, J. R., et al. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, in press.

2. Laub, M. T., McAdams, H. H., Feldblyum, T., Fraser, C. M. & Shapiro, L. (2000) Science 290, 2144-2148.

3. Nielsen, H., Engelbrecht, J., Brunak, S. & von Heijne, G. (1997) Protein Eng. 10, 1-6.