Ubiquitin Ligase Activity of Cul3-KLHL7 Protein Is Attenuated by Autosomal Dominant Retinitis Pigmentosa Causative Mutation

Supplemental Data

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Figs1-5 (.pdf, 3.8 MB) - Supplemental Figure 1. KLHL7 deletion mutants do not form punctate structures in the cell. Supplemental Figure 2. KLHL7 co-localization with GFP-LC3 does not increase with proteasome or lysosome inhibition. Supplemental Figure 3. Alignment of KLHL7. Supplemental Figure 4. KLHL7 S150N co-localizes with Cul3, but A153T does not. Supplemental Figure 5. KLHL7 S150N and A153T hetero dimerize with Cul3, and A153T associate with Cul3 through the hetero dimer.