Evaluation of a Transposase Protocol for Rapid Generation of Shotgun High-Throughput Sequencing Libraries from Nanogram Quantities of DNA

Supplemental Material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Figure 1 - Histogram of the relative frequency of fragments sizes for mycobacteriophage Athena genomic DNA (Fig. S1), linear regression analysis of the percent GC of the largest contig versus the average read length for the nine phage that compose the mock metagenome (Fig. S2), length distribution of assembled sequencing reads generated from the Nextera system before quality screening (Fig. S3), identical sites and pairwise identities of mock metagenome reads which recruited to phage T4, Catera, Gumball, and P-SS2 (Table S1), and comparison of the listed genome lengths for Athena, Avrafan, Blue7, and Wee on the Mycobacteriophage database to the consensus sequence length of the major contig generated from de novo assembly (Table S2).
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