Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Legends for supplemental material
MS Word document, 35K. - Supplemental file 2 - Table S1, genes with increased or decreased expression in ax21 (smlt0387) mutant compared to wild-type K279a
MS Word document, 106K. - Supplemental file 3 - Fig. S1, strains with mutations in raxR (smlt3568) and raxH (smlt3567) show reduced tolerance to 100 μg/ml tobramycin
TIFF file, 50K. - Supplemental file 4 - Fig. S2, expression of smlt1112, smlt1390, smlt2175, and smlt3949 as measured by qRT-PCR
TIFF file, 48K. - Supplemental file 5 - Fig. S3, strains with mutations in smlt3928 (raxC) and smlt2001 (raxB) show reduced biofilm formation and reduced virulence
TIFF file, 49K.