Report from the BMJ's full editorial committee meeting
Members of the Committee were:Tim Cole
Trisha Greenhalgh
Trish Groves
Bernadette Purcell

Paper – Differences in therapeutic consequences of exercise testing in a rural and an urban Danish county

Thank you for sending us this paper. We are pleased to say that we would like to publish it in the BMJ as a short report, and hope that you will be able to make the following revisions:

1The reviewer who saw your paper (please see enclosed report) made several comments that we would like you to respond to in revising your paper.
2Please explain how you measured the distance from the local hospital to the angiography centre. Did you simply measure in straight lines ("as the crow flies"), or did you take into account distances by road and railway? Furthermore, we wondered whether you used any recognised geographical formula for calculating these distances.
3Please note that short reports have a brief introduction, then a section entitled Subject, Methods and Results, and finally a Comment section. Please ensure that the main message of the paper is given in the first sentence of the Comment section. Please also note that short reports should be no longer than 600 words with up to five references and one table or figure. We appreciate that it is not easy to shorten a long paper to this sort of length, but we do not think your paper adds enough to current knowledge for it to be published at full length in the BMJ. As the reviewer points out, your paper confirms previous work and adds a little new information about exercise testing.
4The last points relate to our processes:
 aThe BMJ aims to include the design of each study in the title; please amend your title accordingly.
 bPlease respond to any checklists and guidelines which are enclosed with this paper.
 cWe are now processing all manuscripts electronically, so please could you provide us with a copy of your article on disk as well as in hard copy. Please see the enclosed guidance about our preferred formats. If you cannot provide one of these please send a disk anyway with a note of the software used.
 dIt would help us greatly if you would send with your revised paper a covering letter explaining how you have responded to all the points raised in this report