The muscle pattern of the Drosophila abdomen depends on a subdivision of the anterior compartment of each segment

DEV073692 Supplementary Material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Figure S1 -

    Fig. S1. The MOL and its attachments. The MOL (arrow) is shown in the fifth abdominal hemisegment of a male alongside an ordinary dorsal muscle. Muscles are stained with phalloidin and muscle attachments marked in green with Ilk::GFP. Note that the MOL extends from a2 at the front of one segment to a2 at the front of the next most posterior segment and is much longer than the normal muscle. Compare with Fig. 4 in the main text.

  • Movie 1 -

    Movie 1. Early orientation of the nascent myotubes. A movie showing early development of muscles in the pupa. The myoblast nuclei are marked in red with mef2.Gal4 UAS.RFP, and all nuclei are marked in green with H2A::GFP. Note the early anteroposterior orientation of muscles, these develop in close proximity to the histoblast nests. The duration of the recording is ∼13 hours starting at ∼24 hours after puparium formation. Anterior is on the left.

  • Movie 2
  • Movie 3 -

    Movies 2 and 3. Early development of the adult muscles in a pupa. All muscle cells are marked with mef2.Gal4 UASCD8::GFP. The myotubes are precisely oriented and extend both anteriorly and posteriorly towards their attachment sites. Note the large larval persistent muscles. The rapidly moving cells are haemocytes. Note the cytoplasmic extensions of the growing myotubes in Movie 3. The duration of Movie 2 is ∼13 hours starting at ∼34 hours after puparium formation. Anterior is on the left.