; This is 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycerol (DAG or DPG) force field. ; The force field bonded and non-bonded parameters were taken from GROMOS87 (ffgmx files) ; and some of the bonded paramters from dppc.itp of Dr. Peter Tieleman website. ; The partial charges were calculated using ORCA program (http://www.thch.uni-bonn.de/tc/orca/) ; using B3LYP/G with _6_31G_d (6-31G*) basis. The partial charge calculated for full atomistic structure ; including Hydrogen, and then the charge summed for CH2, and CH1. (June, 15, 2011) ; O ; || ; OS-C -CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 ; / ; HO-OA-CH2-CH1 ; \ ; CH2-OS-C-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH2-CH3 ; || ; O ; ; O7 ; || ; O5-C6-C8-C9-C10-C11-C12-C13-C14-C15-C16-C17-C18-C19-C20-C21-C22 ; / ; H1-O2-C3-C4 ; \ ; C23-O24-C25-C27-C28-C29-C30-C31-C32-C33-C34-C35-C36-C37-C38-C39-C40-C41 ; || ; O26 [ moleculetype ] ; Name nrexcl DAG 3 [ atoms ] ; nr type resnr resid atom cgnr charge mass 1 HO 1 DAG H1 0 0.402 1.0080 ; ok 2 OA 1 DAG O2 0 -0.630 15.9994 ; ok 3 CH2 1 DAG C3 0 0.228 14.0270 ; ok 4 CH1 1 DAG C4 1 0.256 13.0190 ; ok 5 OS 1 DAG O5 1 -0.375 15.9994 ; ok 6 C 1 DAG C6 1 0.444 12.0110 ; ok 7 O 1 DAG O7 1 -0.325 15.9994 ; ok 8 CH2 1 DAG C8 2 0.000 14.0270 ; ok 9 CH2 1 DAG C9 3 0.000 14.0270 10 CH2 1 DAG C10 4 0.000 14.0270 11 CH2 1 DAG C11 5 0.000 14.0270 12 CH2 1 DAG C12 6 0.000 14.0270 13 CH2 1 DAG C13 7 0.000 14.0270 14 CH2 1 DAG C14 8 0.000 14.0270 15 CH2 1 DAG C15 9 0.000 14.0270 16 CH2 1 DAG C16 10 0.000 14.0270 17 CH2 1 DAG C17 11 0.000 14.0270 18 CH2 1 DAG C18 12 0.000 14.0270 19 CH2 1 DAG C19 13 0.000 14.0270 20 CH2 1 DAG C20 14 0.000 14.0270 21 CH2 1 DAG C21 15 0.000 14.0270 22 CH3 1 DAG C22 16 0.000 15.0350 ; ok 23 CH2 1 DAG C23 17 0.265 14.0270 ; ok 24 OS 1 DAG O24 17 -0.337 15.9994 ; ok 25 C 1 DAG C25 17 0.359 12.0110 ; ok 26 O 1 DAG O26 17 -0.287 15.9994 ; ok 27 CH2 1 DAG C27 18 0.000 14.0270 ; ok 28 CH2 1 DAG C28 19 0.000 14.0270 29 CH2 1 DAG C29 20 0.000 14.0270 30 CH2 1 DAG C30 21 0.000 14.0270 31 CH2 1 DAG C31 22 0.000 14.0270 32 CH2 1 DAG C32 23 0.000 14.0270 33 CH2 1 DAG C33 24 0.000 14.0270 34 CH2 1 DAG C34 25 0.000 14.0270 35 CH2 1 DAG C35 26 0.000 14.0270 36 CH2 1 DAG C36 27 0.000 14.0270 37 CH2 1 DAG C37 28 0.000 14.0270 38 CH2 1 DAG C38 29 0.000 14.0270 39 CH2 1 DAG C39 30 0.000 14.0270 40 CH2 1 DAG C40 31 0.000 14.0270 41 CH3 1 DAG C41 32 0.000 15.0350 ; ok ;; The bond parameters are simillar to dppc.itp except for HO and OA ;; we took them from ffgmxbon.itp (This part checked sveral times) [ bonds ] ; ai aj fu c0, c1, ... 1 2 1 0.100 313800.0 ; HO OA from ffgmxbon.itp checked 2 3 1 0.143 334720.0 ; OA CH2 from ffgmxbon.itp checked 3 4 1 0.153 334700.0 ; CH2 CH1 dppc.itp and ffgmxbon.itp checked 4 5 1 0.1435 251040.0 ; CH1 OS dppc.itp and ffgmxbon.itp checked 4 23 1 0.153 334700.0 ; CH1 CH2 dppc.itp and ffgmxbon.itp checked 5 6 1 0.136 376600.0 ; OS C dppc.itp checked same OA-C in ffgmxbon.itp 6 7 1 0.123 502080.0 ; C O dppc.itp and ffgmxbon.itp checked 6 8 1 0.153 334720.0 ; C CH2 dppc.itp and ffgmxbon.itp checked 8 9 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 9 10 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 10 11 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 11 12 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 12 13 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 13 14 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 14 15 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 15 16 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 16 17 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 17 18 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 18 19 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 19 20 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 20 21 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 21 22 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH3 `` 23 24 1 0.14350 251040.0 ; CH2 OS dppc.itp and ffgmxbon.itp checked 24 25 1 0.13600 376600.0 ; OS C dppc.itp checked same OA-C in ffgmxbon.itp 25 26 1 0.123 502080.0 ; C O dppc.itp and ffgmxbon.itp checked 25 27 1 0.153 334720.0 ; C CH2 dppc.itp and ffgmxbon.itp checked 27 28 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 28 29 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 29 30 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 30 31 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 31 32 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 32 33 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 33 34 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 34 35 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 35 36 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 36 37 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 37 38 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 38 39 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 39 40 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH2 `` 40 41 1 0.153 334720.0 ; CH2 CH3 `` ;; The pair parameters are from ffgmx library (ffgmxnb.itp) [ pairs ] ; ai aj fu c0, c1, ... 1 4 1 ; HO CH1 checked 2 5 1 ; OA OS checked 2 23 1 ; OA CH2 checked 3 6 1 ; CH2 C checked 3 24 1 ; CH2 OS checked 4 7 1 ; CH1 O checked 4 8 1 ; CH1 CH2 checked 4 25 1 ; CH1 C checked 5 9 1 ; OS CH2 checked 5 24 1 ; OS OS checked 6 10 1 ; C CH2 checked 6 23 1 ; C CH2 checked 7 9 1 ; O CH2 checked ; 8 11 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 9 12 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 10 13 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 11 14 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; These pairs removed because of the dihedrals ; 12 15 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 13 16 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 14 17 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 15 18 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 16 19 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 17 20 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 18 21 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 19 22 1 ; CH2 CH3 23 26 1 ; CH2 O checked 23 27 1 ; CH2 CH2 checked 24 28 1 ; OS CH2 checked 25 29 1 ; C CH2 checked 26 28 1 ; O CH2 checked ; 27 30 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 28 31 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 29 32 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 30 33 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 31 34 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; These pairs removed because of the dihedrals ; 32 35 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 33 36 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 34 37 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 35 38 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 36 39 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 37 40 1 ; CH2 CH2 ; 38 41 1 ; CH2 CH3 ;; The angle parameters are simillar to dppc.itp ;; except for HO-OA-CH2 and OA-CH2-CH1 we took them from ffgmxbon.itp [ angles ] ; ai aj ak fu c0, c1, ... 1 2 3 1 109.500 397.48 ; HO OA CH2 ffgmxbon.itp checked 2 3 4 1 109.500 460.20 ; OA CH2 CH1 ffgmxbon.itp checked 3 4 5 1 109.500 460.20 ; CH2 CH1 OS dppc.itp checked 3 4 23 1 109.500 460.20 ; CH2 CH1 CH2 dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp checked 4 5 6 1 120.000 418.40 ; CH1 OS C dppc.itp checked 4 23 24 1 111.000 460.20 ; CH1 CH2 OS dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp checked 5 4 23 1 109.500 460.20 ; OS CH1 CH2 dppc.itp checked 5 6 7 1 124.000 502.10 ; OS C O dppc.itp checked 5 6 8 1 115.000 502.10 ; OS C CH2 dppc.itp & OA-C-CH2 in ffgmxbon.itp checked 6 8 9 1 111.0 460.2 ; C CH2 CH2 dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp checked 7 6 8 1 121.000 502.10 ; O C CH2 dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp checked 8 9 10 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp checked 9 10 11 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 10 11 12 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 11 12 13 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 12 13 14 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 13 14 15 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 14 15 16 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 15 16 17 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 16 17 18 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 17 18 19 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 18 19 20 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 19 20 21 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 20 21 22 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH3 `` 23 24 25 1 120.000 418.4 ; CH2 OS C dppc.itp checked 24 25 26 1 124.000 502.10; OS C O dppc.itp checked 24 25 27 1 115.000 502.10; OS C CH2 dppc.itp & OA-C-CH2 in ffgmxbon.itp checked 25 27 28 1 111.000 460.20; C CH2 CH2 dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp checked 26 25 27 1 121.000 502.10; O C CH2 dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp checked 27 28 29 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 28 29 30 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 29 30 31 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 30 31 32 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 31 32 33 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 32 33 34 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 33 34 35 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 34 35 36 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 35 36 37 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 36 37 38 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 37 38 39 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 38 39 40 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH2 `` 39 40 41 1 111.0 460.2 ; CH2 CH2 CH3 `` ;; The dihedrals parameters are simillar to dppc.itp ;; except for HO-OA-CH2-CH1 and acyl chains (8-22) and (27-41), its from ffgmxbon.itp [ dihedrals ] ; ai aj ak al fu c0, c1, m, ... 1 2 3 4 1 0.0 1.255 3 ; dih; HO OA CH2 CH1 from ffgmxbon.itp 2 3 4 5 1 0.0 2.09 2 ; dih; OA CH2 CH1 OS dppc.itp & OS-CH2-CH1-OS in ffgmxbon.itp 2 3 4 23 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; OA CH2 CH1 CH2 dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp 3 4 5 6 1 0.0 3.77 3 ; dih; CH2 CH1 OS C dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp 3 4 23 24 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH1 CH2 OS dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp 4 5 6 8 1 180.0 16.736 2 ; dih; CH1 OS C CH2 dppc.itp 5 6 8 9 1 0.0 0.418 6 ; dih; OS C CH2 CH2 dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp 5 4 23 24 1 0.0 2.09 2 ; dih; OS CH1 CH2 OS dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp 6 8 9 10 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; C CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 8 9 10 11 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 9 10 11 12 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 10 11 12 13 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 11 12 13 14 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 12 13 14 15 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 13 14 15 16 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 14 15 16 17 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 15 16 17 18 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 16 17 18 19 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 17 18 19 20 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 18 19 20 21 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 19 20 21 22 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 checked 4 23 24 25 1 0.00 3.766 3 ; dih; CH1 CH2 OS C dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp 23 24 25 27 1 180.0 16.736 2 ; dih; CH2 OS C CH2 dppc.itp 24 25 27 28 1 0.0 0.418 6 ; dih; OS C CH2 CH2 dppc.itp & ffgmxbon.itp 25 27 28 29 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; C CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 27 28 29 30 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 28 29 30 31 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 29 30 31 32 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 30 31 32 33 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 31 32 33 34 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 32 33 34 35 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 33 34 35 36 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 34 35 36 37 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 35 36 37 38 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 36 37 38 39 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 37 38 39 40 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 checked 38 39 40 41 1 0.0 5.858 3 ; dih; CH2 CH2 CH2 CH3 checked ;; the dihedrals parameters are simillar to dppc.itp and ffgmxbon.itp [ dihedrals ] ; ai aj ak al fu c0, c1, m, ... 6 5 8 7 2 0.000 167.360 ; imp C OS CH2 O checked 25 24 27 26 2 0.000 167.360 ; imp C OS CH2 O checked 4 5 23 3 2 35.264 334.720 ; imp CH1 OS CH2 CH2 checked