Interplay of a Ligand Sensor and an Enzyme in Controlling Expression of the Saccharomyces cerevisiaeGAL Genes

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Transient association of Gal3p-CFP with Ulp1-Gal4AD-YFP after shifting to galactose.
    AVI Movie file, 242K.
  • Supplemental file 2 - Localization of Gal3p-CFP to Ulp1-Gal4AD-YFP after galactose addition in the absence of Gal1p.
    AVI Movie file, 131K.
  • Supplemental file 3 - Dissipation of localized Gal3p-CFP after galactose removal in the absence of Gal1p.
    AVI Movie file, 309K.
  • Supplemental file 4 - Tables S1 to S3, Fig. S1 to S5, and legends to Movies S1 to S3.
    Zipped PDF file, 612K.