Distinct Ectomycorrhizospheres Share Similar Bacterial Communities as Revealed by Pyrosequencing-Based Analysis of 16S rRNA Genes

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 - Rarefaction curves of bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences recovered from the ectomycorrhizospheres of oak (Fig. S1), distribution of the bacterial genera detected in the X. pruinatus and S. citrinum ectomycorrhizospheres (Fig. S2), bacterial community membership similarities between ectomycorrhizosphere, the global rhizosphere, and the surrounding bulk soil samples (Fig. S3), Venn diagram comparing the OTUs (97%) from the ectomycorrhizosphere, the total rhizosphere, and the surrounding bulk soil (Fig. S4), number of OTUs and richness estimators based on Mothur analyses detected in the different ectomycorrhizosphere samples (Table S1), and bacterial genera associated with known functions (number of reads detected) (Table S2).
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