Supplementary material for Wilf et al. (May 15, 2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 10.1073/pnas.111069498

Table 3.

Other dicot species and morphospecies censused (in addition to those listed in Table 2)

(22) Aleurites glandulosa*

(23) Araliophyllum quina*

(24) Cercidiphyllaceae sp. FW09

(25) Cornus hyperborea

(26) aff. Fagaceae RR94

(27) Lauraceae sp. 2 RR46

(28) Leguminosites lesquereuxiana*

(29) "Acer" (Liquidambar) lesquereuxi*

(30) cf. Magnoliales RR12

(31) Persites argutus

(32) Platycarya americana

(33) cf. Schoepfia republicensis

(34) Sterculia coloradensis*

(35) Stillingia casca

(36) Styrax transversa*

(37) Syzygioides americana

(38) Ternstroemites aureavallis

(39) aff. "Viburnum" antiquum FW40

(40) cf. Vinea pugetensis

(41) "Dicot XXXVI"

(42) Unknown dicot sp. GR-A (DMNH 10112)

(43) Unknown dicot sp. GR-B (DMNH 10113)

(44) Unknown dicot sp. GR-C (DMNH 10115)

(45) Unknown dicot sp. GR-D (DMNH 10119)

(46) Unknown dicot sp. GR-D2 (DMNH 10116)

(47) Unknown dicot sp. GR-G (DMNH 10122)

(48) Unknown dicot sp. GR-J (DMNH 10125)

(49) Unknown dicot sp. GR-M (DMNH 10255)

(50) Unknown dicot sp. GR-O (DMNH 10252)

(51) Unknown dicot sp. GR-S (DMNH 10259)

(52) Unknown dicot sp. GR-T (DMNH 10248)

(53) Unknown dicot sp. RR31

(54) Unknown dicot sp. RR37

(55) Unknown dicot sp. RR57

(56) Unknown dicot sp. RR63

(57) Unknown dicot sp. RR88

(58) Unknown dicot sp. RR95

*See ref. 1 for botanical data and references.

See ref. 2 for botanical data and references.

Morphospecies with no prior literature reference. Voucher specimen number is given.


1. MacGinitie, H. D. (1969) Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. 83, 1-140.

2. Wilf, P. (2000) Geol. Soc. Am. Bull. 112, 292-307.