Supplemental material
Files in this Data Supplement:
- Supplemental file 1 - Fig. S1, Alp7A filaments that are produced upon deletion of alp7R from mini-pLS20 alp7A-gfp are static
MPEG Movie file, 1.6MB. - Supplemental file 2 - Fig. S2, Alp7A filaments that are produced upon induction of a chromosomal copy of alp7R in a strain carrying mini-pLS20 alp7A-gfp Δalp7R are normal and dynamic
MPEG Movie file, 1.2MB. - Supplemental file 3 - Fig. S3, Alp7A filaments that are produced from mini-pLS20 alp7A-gfp are normal and dynamic
MPEG Movie file, 2.7MB. - Supplemental file 4 - Fig. S4, Alp7A(D212A)-GFP filaments that are produced upon deletion of alp7R from mini-pLS20 alp7A(D212A)-gfp are static
MPEG Movie file, 768K. - Supplemental file 5 - Fig. S5, coordinate induction of alp7A-gfp and alp7R in a strain carrying a chromosomal copy of alp7C gives rise to dynamic Alp7A filaments
MPEG Movie file, 773K. - Supplemental file 6 - Fig. S6, induction of alp7A-gfp in a strain containing a chromosomal copy of alp7C but no alp7R gives rise to small static Alp7A filaments
MPEG Movie file, 727K. - Supplemental file 7 - Fig. S7, induction of alp7A-gfp in a strain containing neither alp7C nor alp7R gives rise to small static Alp7A filaments
MPEG Movie file, 824K. - Supplemental file 8 - Legends for supplemental figures
Zipped PDF file, 96K. - Supplemental file 9 - Table S1, oligonucleotide primers
Zipped PDF file, 30K.