Supplemental Materials
This article contains the following supporting material:
- Supplemental Materials
- Movie 01 - Supplementary Movie 1. Normal mitotic division. Movie of RPE1+/- cell co-expressing EYFP-��-Tubulin and Histone H2B-mRFP undergoing normal mitotic chromosome segregation. Filming began two days after depletion of GAPDH with siRNA. Shown in Figure 5A. One frame captured every 5 minutes.
- Movie 02 - Supplementary Movie 2. Division with asymmetric mitotic spindle. Movie of RPE1+/- cell co-expressing EYFP-��-Tubulin and Histone H2B-mRFP dividing with an asymmetric mitotic spindle. Filming began two days after depletion of Plk4 with siRNA. Shown in Figure 5A. One frame captured every 4 minutes.
- Movie 03 - Supplementary Movie 3. Division with chromosome missegregation. Movie of RPE1+/- cell co-expressing EYFP-��-Tubulin and Histone H2B-mRFP dividing undergoing chromosome missegregation. Filming began two days after depletion of Plk4 with siRNA. Shown in Figure 5A. One frame captured every 4 minutes.
- Movie 04 - Supplementary Movie 4. Division with multi-polar mitotic spindle. Movie of RPE1+/- cell co-expressing EYFP-��-Tubulin and Histone H2B-mRFP dividing with a multi-polar mitotic spindle. Filming began two days after depletion of Plk4 with siRNA. Shown in Figure 5A. One frame captured every 4 minutes.