Significance Variable Category p-value Class 0 Proportion Class 1 Proportion Class 0 Count Class 0 Total Class 1 Count Class 1 Total GO Type all_bayes_biased germ cell development 0.006184 0 0.004844 0 1427 13 2684 Biological Process all_bayes_biased synaptic transmission 0.007658 0.003504 0.01155 5 1427 31 2684 Biological Process all_bayes_biased response to mechanical stimulus 0.018492 0 0.003726 0 1427 10 2684 Biological Process all_bayes_biased atp biosynthetic process 0.026389 0.000701 0.005216 1 1427 14 2684 Biological Process all_bayes_biased establishment or maintenance of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity 0.026389 0.000701 0.005216 1 1427 14 2684 Biological Process all_bayes_biased flight behavior 0.026389 0.000701 0.005216 1 1427 14 2684 Biological Process all_bayes_biased transport 0.034633 0.008409 0.016393 12 1427 44 2684 Biological Process all_bayes_biased transmembrane transport 0.038662 0.038542 0.053279 55 1427 143 2684 Biological Process all_bayes_biased cell migration 0.044251 0.000701 0.004844 1 1427 13 2684 Biological Process all_bayes_biased carbohydrate metabolic process 0.04497 0.004205 0.010432 6 1427 28 2684 Biological Process isoform_sig cell proliferation 0.007571 0 0.027473 0 298 5 182 Biological Process isoform_sig regulation of proteolysis 0.007571 0 0.027473 0 298 5 182 Biological Process isoform_sig regulation of transcription from rna polymerase ii promoter 0.013464 0.003356 0.032967 1 298 6 182 Biological Process isoform_sig heart development 0.031321 0.003356 0.027473 1 298 5 182 Biological Process isoform_sig ion transport 0.031321 0.003356 0.027473 1 298 5 182 Biological Process mel_biased germ cell development 0.000975 0 0.006448 0 1651 11 1706 Biological Process mel_biased transmembrane transport 0.003978 0.038159 0.059789 63 1651 102 1706 Biological Process mel_biased cell fate commitment 0.011706 0.000606 0.005862 1 1651 10 1706 Biological Process mel_biased haltere development 0.015615 0 0.004103 0 1651 7 1706 Biological Process mel_biased plasma membrane organization 0.031236 0 0.003517 0 1651 6 1706 Biological Process mel_biased cell migration 0.038541 0.001211 0.005862 2 1651 10 1706 Biological Process mel_biased regulation of mitotic cell cycle 0.038541 0.001211 0.005862 2 1651 10 1706 Biological Process sim_biased salivary gland cell autophagic cell death 0.003547 0.00848 0.023873 14 1651 18 754 Biological Process sim_biased autophagic cell death 0.006342 0.007268 0.02122 12 1651 16 754 Biological Process sim_biased response to mechanical stimulus 0.013325 0.000606 0.006631 1 1651 5 754 Biological Process sim_biased sensory perception of chemical stimulus 0.013577 0.001817 0.009284 3 1651 7 754 Biological Process sim_biased post-golgi vesicle-mediated transport 0.030731 0 0.003979 0 1651 3 754 Biological Process sim_biased regulation of toll signaling pathway 0.030731 0 0.003979 0 1651 3 754 Biological Process sim_biased pigmentation during development 0.036036 0.000606 0.005305 1 1651 4 754 Biological Process sim_biased carbohydrate metabolic process 0.038447 0.004846 0.013263 8 1651 10 754 Biological Process sim_biased proteolysis 0.043735 0.049061 0.070292 81 1651 53 754 Biological Process all_bayes_biased glucuronosyltransferase activity 0.009793 0.000647 0.005504 1 1546 16 2907 Molecular Function all_bayes_biased binding 0.01096 0.032988 0.049536 51 1546 144 2907 Molecular Function all_bayes_biased magnesium ion binding 0.017201 0.003234 0.009976 5 1546 29 2907 Molecular Function all_bayes_biased microtubule binding 0.024677 0.005175 0.012384 8 1546 36 2907 Molecular Function all_bayes_biased transporter activity 0.044613 0.009056 0.016856 14 1546 49 2907 Molecular Function mel_biased binding 0.02003 0.03386 0.049784 60 1772 92 1848 Molecular Function mel_biased histone methyltransferase activity (h3-k9 specific) 0.031327 0 0.003247 0 1772 6 1848 Molecular Function sim_biased serine-type endopeptidase activity 0.00063 0.011287 0.031212 20 1772 26 833 Molecular Function sim_biased magnesium ion binding 0.007655 0.004515 0.015606 8 1772 13 833 Molecular Function sim_biased protein transmembrane transporter activity 0.010404 0 0.004802 0 1772 4 833 Molecular Function sim_biased odorant binding 0.015269 0.001693 0.008403 3 1772 7 833 Molecular Function sim_biased glucuronosyltransferase activity 0.015683 0.001129 0.007203 2 1772 6 833 Molecular Function sim_biased transporter activity 0.026999 0.009594 0.020408 17 1772 17 833 Molecular Function sim_biased histone methyltransferase activity (h3-k4 specific) 0.032617 0 0.003601 0 1772 3 833 Molecular Function sim_biased g-protein coupled photoreceptor activity 0.038758 0.000564 0.004802 1 1772 4 833 Molecular Function sim_biased glucose transmembrane transporter activity 0.038758 0.000564 0.004802 1 1772 4 833 Molecular Function sim_biased binding 0.039922 0.03386 0.051621 60 1772 43 833 Molecular Function sim_biased carboxylesterase activity 0.04481 0.002257 0.008403 4 1772 7 833 Molecular Function all_bayes_biased plasma membrane 0.002973 0.055694 0.083333 67 1203 179 2148 Cellular Component all_bayes_biased integral to membrane 0.007184 0.097257 0.128492 117 1203 276 2148 Cellular Component all_bayes_biased neuromuscular junction 0.009159 0.000831 0.007449 1 1203 16 2148 Cellular Component all_bayes_biased cytoskeleton 0.01458 0.004988 0.014432 6 1203 31 2148 Cellular Component all_bayes_biased cytoplasm 0.02106 0.111388 0.139199 134 1203 299 2148 Cellular Component all_bayes_biased fusome 0.024619 0.000831 0.006052 1 1203 13 2148 Cellular Component isoform_sig membrane 0.015131 0.048387 0.118881 12 248 17 143 Cellular Component isoform_sig nuclear envelope 0.048267 0 0.020979 0 248 3 143 Cellular Component isoform_sig nucleolus 0.048267 0 0.020979 0 248 3 143 Cellular Component isoform_sig synapse 0.048267 0 0.020979 0 248 3 143 Cellular Component mel_biased integral to membrane 0.000143 0.093074 0.139653 129 1386 193 1382 Cellular Component mel_biased peroxisome 0.012374 0.002165 0.009407 3 1386 13 1382 Cellular Component mel_biased plasma membrane 0.013762 0.062049 0.086831 86 1386 120 1382 Cellular Component mel_biased rna-induced silencing complex 0.021131 0.000722 0.005789 1 1386 8 1382 Cellular Component mel_biased extracellular matrix 0.030912 0 0.003618 0 1386 5 1382 Cellular Component mel_biased cytosol 0.045401 0.015152 0.026049 21 1386 36 1382 Cellular Component sim_biased neuromuscular junction 0.003873 0.001443 0.012007 2 1386 7 583 Cellular Component sim_biased extrinsic to membrane 0.00763 0 0.006861 0 1386 4 583 Cellular Component sim_biased spindle 0.009629 0.002165 0.012007 3 1386 7 583 Cellular Component sim_biased cytoplasm 0.012633 0.117605 0.15952 163 1386 93 583 Cellular Component sim_biased camp-dependent protein kinase complex 0.025864 0 0.005146 0 1386 3 583 Cellular Component