ValdésPavelNotes about morphological features of the Western Hemisphere subtribe Ardistomina, and revision of genus Semiardistomis Kult (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Scaritinae, Clivinini) Zookeys24720122012210196710.3897/zookeys.210.3042 Semiardistomis exspectatus sp. n.Figs 3857Holotype.

Male (USNM), glued on pinned point, genitalia attached in microvial, labeled: printed "Peru: Madre de Dios Rio Manu, BIOLAT Biol. Sta. Pakitza, 356 m, 24 June 1993 11°56'47"S, 071°17'00"W T. L. Erwin & F. Pfuno"/ "Treading in leaf litter half buried in quick- silt at edge of Que. Trepanatrunco Tr. Tachigali"/ "135 Lot 510"/ "BIOLAT/ COLE 000019005".


19 exemplars (USNM), 2 exemplars (PVCCu) labeled same as the holotype. 14 exemplars (USNM) labeled: printed “Peru: Madre de Dios Rio Manu, BIOLAT Biol. Sta. Pakitza, 356 m, 11 June 1993 11°56'47"S, 071°17'00"W T. L. Erwin & F. Pfuno"/ "Tr. Castañal/ 12.5 Que. Paujil on sand among small stones near stream edge at night Lot 437".

Type locality.

PERU, Madre de Dios, Rio Manu, 11°56'47"S, 071°17'00"W.


After have a picture of zoogeographic patterns for some characters from the rest of described species of Semiardistomis, appearance of this new form filled a gap in the scenario of the group puncticollis . So the specific epithet derived from Latin adjective, meaning expected.


Elytral surface smooth, striae complete, impunctate, 4 setiferous punctures on interval 3, shoulders rounded. Profemur glabrous. Abdominal sternum VII with 4+4 setiferous punctures.


Fig. 38.

Measurements and variation.

Variation of measurements (mm) and ratios for Semiardistomis exspectatus sp.n. (n=10) are: HL = 0,64–0,68–0,74; PL = 1,09–1,18–1,28; PW = 1,28–1,35–1,44; EL = 3,20–3,37–3,68; EW = 2,14–2,32–2,66; SBL = 4,93–5,24–5,70; PW/EW = 0,58; PW/PL = 1,14; PL/EL = 0,35; EW/EL = 0,69.


Body piceous with green reflections, mouthparts and antennae testaceous, legs ferrugineous.

Frons, gena, antennal lobes, pronotum, proepisternum and elytra smooth. Prosternum with microsculptural mesh pattern isodiametric. Metasternum and abdominal sterna with microsculpture in form of a shallow transverse mesh pattern.

Anterior marginal setae on pronotal disc equidistant between anterior angles and posterior setae. Elytral disc with 4 setae in interval 3. Abdominal sternum VII with ambulatory setae near base, 2 on each side; inner pair of preapical setae equidistant each other. Profemur glabrous. Ventral surface of protibia with many setae on basal half.

Clypeus with anterior margin concave medially; lateral lobes distinct, projected at the same level of anterior margin. Frontal impressions deep and wide. Supraantennal lobes with median sulci across their length. Eyes prominent. Antennomere 2 shorter than antennomere 3; antennomeres 4–10 about 1.9 times longer than wide.

Mentum with median carina extended distad slightly beyond anterior margin of lateral lobes; pit organs opened through oval orifices to the mental- submental suture.

Pronotum ovate, lateral border reaching base.

Elytra oval, humeri curved, striae complete in their length, impunctate; visible humeral tooth at junction of third stria with marginal channel.

Metathoracic wingsmacropterous.

Genitalia as described for the puncticollis species–group.


This species exhibits many plesiotypic character states for the puncticollis species-group.

Geographical distribution

(Fig. 57). Widespread in the northern parts of South America, east of the Andes mountain range.

Habitat and activity.

Records from labels suggest that the habitat of this species is typical of most species of the genus, living on loose soil adjacent to fresh water bodies. Furthermore the species seems to prefer sandy areas with leaves or stones. Tenerals were collected in August.

Material examined.

In addition to the type material, I have seen 8 specimens from the following localities.ECUADOR. Pichincha Alturiquin Rio Toachi 9–1 Feb 1999 (PBPC, 2). PERU. Loreto. Boca del Rio Samiria 16 Aug 1991 (USNM, 1); Loreto, Hamburgo, Boca del Inglés 150m 23 Aug 1991 (USNM, 1); Loreto, Pithecia 14 Aug 1989 (USNM, 2); Loreto Cmp. Terry 14 May 1990 (USNM, 1). TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO: Trinidad Chatham 17 Jun 1980 (NMNH, 1)

37 Semiardistomis cordicollis (Putzeys) 38 Semiardistomis exspectatus sp. n. Dorsal aspect. Scale bar 1 mm.

Distribution map of members of the puncticollis species–group.