Video 8.
2D and 3D animation of the Atoh1+/− doublet sister cells in their environment. Shown in Fig. 4 (D–D′′).(green) β-catenin; (red) Atoh1; (magenta) EdU; (blue) DAPI. The 2D animation allows tracing the signals through all the optical planes comprising the volume and identifying the nuclei that are Atoh1+. The 3D animation shows the three doublet sister cells comprised in the volume. Marks were placed in the center of each nucleus and linked by a line, thus highlighting that they were located in different focal plains. Some Atoh1 labeling is present outside nuclei, but in the doublet at the crypt bottom (position 2–3), one nucleus is clearly identifiable as Atoh1+, whereas the other is Atoh1−. The same holds for the doublet to the right, which is sitting at another angle.