Synthetic Motility and Cell Shape Defects Associated with Deletions of Flotillin/Reggie Paralogs in Bacillus subtilis and Interplay of These Proteins with NfeD Proteins

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Fig S1, domain structures of FloT and FloA

    Fig. S2, fluorescence microscopy images of Bacillus subtilis cells expressing ComFA-mCherry as a marker for DNA uptake machinery

    Table S1, oligonucleotides

    Legends to Movies S1 to S7

    PDF, 89K

  • Supplemental file 2 -

    Movie S1, TIRF-M time lapse microscopy of cells expressing FloT-YFP from the original gene locus

    AVI, 1.7M

  • Supplemental file 3 -

    Movie S2, TIRF-M time lapse microscopy of cells expressing FloT-YFP from the original gene locus

    AVI, 338K

  • Supplemental file 4 -

    Movie S3, TIRF-M time lapse microscopy of cells expressing FloA-YFP from the original gene locus

    AVI, 378K

  • Supplemental file 5 -

    Movie S4, epifluorescence time lapse microscopy of cells expressing FloA-YFP from the original gene locus

    AVI, 589K

  • Supplemental file 6 -

    Movie S5, TIRF-M time lapse microscopy of cells expressing FloT-YFP from the original gene locus, 60 min after addition of FCCP

    AVI, 187K

  • Supplemental file 7 -

    Movie S6, TIRF-M time lapse microscopy of cells expressing NfeD2-YFP from the original gene locus

    AVI, 66K

  • Supplemental file 8 -

    Movie S7, three-dimensional reconstruction of Z-stacks taken through an S2 cell expressing FloT-YFP

    AVI, 4.5M