A Baculovirus-Encoded MicroRNA (miRNA) Suppresses Its Host miRNA Biogenesis by Regulating the Exportin-5 Cofactor Ran

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Supplemental Materials and Methods

    Table S1 (List of all the primer and probe sequences used.)

    Table S2 (Putative targets of four of the selected host miRNAs.)

    Fig. S1 (B. mori miRNAs and lysine tRNA expression analysis upon Dicer-2 knockdown.)

    Fig. S2 (Host miRNA expression after 4 days of bmnpv-miR-1 duplex administration in the B. mori larvae.)

    Fig. S3 (B. mori lysine tRNA expression after 4 days of bmnpv-miR-1 and Ran dsRNA administration in BmNPV-infected larvae.)

    Fig. S4 (Comparing phenotypes of Ran and Dicer-2 knockdown B. mori larvae.)

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