AUX/LAX Genes Encode a Family of Auxin Influx Transporters That Perform Distinct Functions during Arabidopsis Development

Author profile

Benjamin Péret

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Current Position: Post-doc, Laboratory of Plant Developmental Biology, Department of Plant Biology and Environmental Microbiology, CEA Cadarache, France

Education: PhD, Plant Physiology, University of Montpellier, France

Non-scientific Interests: My two sons, hiking and making chocolate.

I was first introduced to the fascinating world of plant root system development when I joined the group of Laurent Laplaze (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, Montpellier). My PhD was focused on the establishment of the actinorhizal nodule. As part of my investigation, I studied the role of auxin influx transporters in Casuarina and developed collaboration with Malcolm Bennett and Ranjan Swarup (University of Nottingham, UK). Dr. Swarup and I both shared a common interest in sub-functionalisation of auxin influx carriers and that was the beginning of this present work. This collaboration developed further and culminated in this present article when I arrived in Nottingham to join the group of Prof. Bennett to investigate the role of auxin transporters in lateral root emergence. More recently, I joined the laboratory of Laurent Nussaume (CEA Cadarache, France) to study how plants adapt their root system to abiotic stresses (e.g., phosphate starvation). I find it very fascinating and stimulating how a developmental process like lateral root formation is modulated through its interaction with the environment and how plants have evolved several genetic programs to stay competitive in an ever changing environment.