Published September 3, 2012 // JCB vol. 198 no. 5 865-880
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201204107

CYK4 inhibits Rac1-dependent PAK1 and ARHGEF7 effector pathways during cytokinesis

Video 1.
Localization of activated Rac1 in anaphase cells expressing wild-type CYK4. HeLa cells expressing EGFP-PAK1 CRIB domain and inducible mCherry-CYK4 were transfected with CYK4 3′-UTR siRNA duplexes then used for time-lapse imaging. Images corresponding to 25 planes spaced by 0.7 µm through the cell volume were collected every minute using a spinning-disk confocal microscope and are shown for 120 min. A bright-field image (top) is shown with the EGFP-PAK1 (green) and mCherry-CYK (red) signals at the bottom section where the cells touch the glass growth surface (middle), and a maximum intensity projection is shown along the z axis of all sections (bottom).