GlöerPeterPešićVladimirThe freshwater snails (Gastropoda) of Iran, with descriptions of two new genera and eight new speciesZookeys3920122012219116110.3897/zookeys.219.3406 Pseudamnicola georgiev sp. n.Fig. 9Type locality.

Markazi Province, Ashtian to Arak road (ca. 5 km after Ashtian city, Ashtian county), 50°01'E, 34°34'N, ca. 1800 m asl., 21 June 2005.


(ZMH 79370): Shell height 2.6 mm, width 1.9 mm.


(ZMH 79371): 6 ex. from type locality.


Named after Dr Dilian Georgiev in appreciation of his studies on Bulgarian hydrobiids.


The whitish shell is conical with 4.5 whorls, which are separated by a clear suture. The surface is glossy and finely striated. The apex is blunt, the umbilicus is closed, the aperture is ovate and pointed at the top. Shell height 2.4–2.6 mm, width 1.9 mm.

Differentiating features.

The conical shell with its pointed aperture (Fig. 9) clearly distinguished the new species from other Iranian members of the genus Pseudamnicola.


We had only shells with dried tissue at our disposal. Since the penis morphology could not be examined, the assignment to the genus Pseudamnicola is provisional.


Iran; only known from the type locality.

Pseudamnicola georgievi sp. n.: shell.