GlöerPeterPešićVladimirThe freshwater snails (Gastropoda) of Iran, with descriptions of two new genera and eight new speciesZookeys3920122012219116110.3897/zookeys.219.3406 Kaskakia khorrasanensis sp. n.Figs 10a–dType locality.

Khorrasan Province, Kaskak stream in Kaskak village, 59°10'E, 35°25'N, ca. 1800 m asl., 11 June 2005.


(ZMH 79372): Shell height 2.5 mm, width 1.9 mm.


(ZMH 79373): 21 ex. from type locality.


Named for its occurrence in Khorrasan Province.


The yellowish shell is conical to globular with 5.5 whorls, which are slightly convex and separated by a clear suture (Fig. 10a). The whorls increase rapidly with a prominent body whorl. The surface is glossy and finely striated. The apex is acute, the aperture is ovate and angled at the top, the umbilicus is closed. Shell height 2.3–2.5 mm, width 1.8–1.9 mm.


The mantle and head are black. The penis is broad at the basis and tapered at the distal end (Figs 10b–d).

Differentiating features.

As for the genus.


Iran: Khorrasan Province; known only from type locality.

Kaskakia khorrasanensis sp. n. a shell b penis in situ c–d penis (c: dorsal view, d: ventral view).