GlöerPeterPešićVladimirThe freshwater snails (Gastropoda) of Iran, with descriptions of two new genera and eight new speciesZookeys3920122012219116110.3897/zookeys.219.3406 Planorbis intermixtus Mousson, 1874Fig. 18bPlanorbis subangulatus Philippi, 1844; Planorbis persicus Ancey, 1900 (synonymy)Records from Iran.

Northern Iran (as Planorbis planorbis: Mansoorian 2000); Mazandaran Province (as Planorbis planorbis:Eliazian et al. 1979, Mansoorian 2000); Fars Province (as Planorbis planorbis: Forcart 1935, Starmühlner and Edlauer 1957); IsfahanProvince (Glöer and Pešić 2010); Yazd Province (as Planorbis persicus, Planorbis subangulatus: Biggs 1937, 1971, Starmühlner and Edlauer 1957); Gilan Province (as Anisus (Gyraulus) intermixtus:Starmühlner and Edlauer 1957); Khuzestan Province (as Planorbis planorbis, Planorbis planorbis submarginatus:Starmühlner and Edlauer 1957, as Planorbis planorbis:Biggs 1971); Markazi Province (Chu et al. 1968, Massoud and Hedayeti-Far 1979, Mansoorian 2001, Glöer and Pešić 2010).

New records.

Mazandaran Province: IR01-05 [11 ex.]; Markazi Province: IR51-05 [11 ex.]; IR87-05 [3 ex.]; IR88-05 [7 ex.]; IR91-05 [5 ex.]; IR93-05 [1 ex.]; Khorasan Province: IR66-05 [10 ex.]; IR67-05 [2 ex.]; IR68-05 [5 ex.]; IR78a-05 [2 ex.]; IR78b-05 [7 ex.]; Fars Province: IR02-07 [2 ex.]; IR07-07 [2 ex.]; IR26-07 [9 ex.]; IR27-07 [3 ex.].

Associated species.

Physella acuta, Pseudobithynia zagrosia, Radix sp.


The species Planorbis planorbis and Planorbis intermixtus can only be distinguished by the number of prostate diverticula (Glöer and Pešić 2010). All Planorbis spp. collected in Iran have been anatomically studied and no Planorbis planorbis could be found. Thus we list the old records from Iran under Planorbis intermixtus.

In addition, Planorbis subangulatus Philippi, 1844 and Planorbis persicus Ancey, 1900 have been mentioned from Iran (Ancey 1900, Biggs 1937). Both species have been described on the basis of the shells, the morphology of which falls within variability of Planorbis intermixtus. Thus we list these species under Planorbis intermixtus.


Turkey, Iran, N India.

The Planorbis spp. of Iran. a Planorbis carinatus b Planorbis intermixtus c Indoplanorbis exustus.

MansoorianA (2000) Some freshwater snails from Northern Iran.Iranian Journal Public Health 29(1–4): 77-82.EliazianMTamijiYAkbarzadehMHagh-NazariJ (1979) Snailsfrom the northern parts of Iran(Caspian Sea).Archives of Razi Institute 31: 29-36.ForcartL (1935) Die Mollusken der nordpersischen Provinz Masenderan und ihre tiergeographische Bedeutung.Archiv für Naturgeschichte, N.F.4 (3): 404-447.StarmühlnerFEdlauerA (1957) Ergebnisse der Österreichischen Iran-Expedition 1949/50 (Mit Berücksichtigung der Ausbeute der Österreichischen Iran-Expedition 1956): Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Molluskenfauna des Iran. Sitzungsberichte der österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, Abteilung I, 166 (9/10): 435–494.GlöerPPešićV (2010) The Planorbis species of the Balkans with the description of Planorbis vitojensis sp. n. (Gastropoda: Planorbidae).Journal of Conchology 40: 249-257.BiggsHEJ (1937) Mollusca of the Iranian Plateau.Journal of Conchology 20: 342-350.BiggsHEJ (1971) Mollusca of the Iranian Plateau-III.Journal of Conchology 27: 211-220.ChuKYMassoudJArfaaF (1968) Distribution and Ecology of Bulinus truncatus in Khuzestan, Iran.Bulletin of the World Health Organization 39: 607-637.MassoudJHedayeti-FarM (1979) Freshwater mollusk fauna of the Khuzestan and Khorram-Bad areas in Southwestern Iran.Malacological Review12: 96.MansoorianA (2001)Iranian International Journal of Science2 (2): 1-9.AnceyCMF (1900) Description of New Species of Asiatic shells.The Nautilus 14 (7): 83-84.