Axon guidance mediated by netrin Axon guidance mediated by Slit/Robo Axon guidance mediated by semaphorins Apoptosis signaling pathway Angiogenesis Alzheimer d ise ase -p re se ni lin p at hw ay Alzheimer disease-amyloid secretase pathway N- ac et ylgluc os am ine m et abolis m Alpha adrenergic receptor signaling pathway Adrenaline and n ora dre na lin e bi osyn th esi s M et hy lc itr at e cycle Lysine biosynthesis Ubiquitin proteasome pathway p53 pathway Wnt signaling pathway VEGF signaling pathway Fructose galactose metabolism Toll re ce pt or si gn al in g pa th w ay T ce ll ac tiv at io n TGF-beta signaling pathway Plasminogen activating cascade Parkinson disease PI 3 kinase pa th w ay PDGF signaling pathway Oxidative str es s response Notch signaling pathway Nicotinic acetylcholine receptor signaling pathway Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 2 and 4 signaling pathway Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor 1 and 3 signaling pathway Metabotropic glutamate receptor group I pathway Asparagine and aspartate biosynthesis Metabotropic glutamate receptor group II pathway Metabotropic glutamate receptor group III pathway Aminobutyrate degradation Ionotropic glutamate receptor pathway Interleukin signaling pathway Integrin signalling pathway Acetate utilization Ins ulin/ IG F pa th w ay-p ro te in ki na se B signaling cascade Inflammation mediated by chemokine and cyt oki ne si gn al in g pa th w ay Tyrosine biosynthesis Hypoxia response via HIF activation V itam in D metabolism and pathway Thyrotropin-releasing hormone re ce pt or si gn al in g pa th w ay Ras Pathway Oxytocin receptor mediated signaling pathway 2-arachidonoylglycerol biosynthesis Huntington disease Heterotrimeric G-protein si gn al in g pa th w ay-ro d ou te r segment phototransduction Heterotrimeric G-protein si gn al in g pa th w ay-G q alpha and Go alpha mediated pathway Heterotrimeric G-protein si gn al in g pa th w ay- G i alpha and Gs alpha mediated pathway Opioid proopiomelanocortin pathway Hedgehog signaling pathway Opioid prodynorphin pathway Glycolysis Opioid proenkephalin pathway Nicotine degradation General transcription by RNA polymerase I Enkephalin release FGF signaling pathway Dopamine receptor mediated signaling pathway FAS signaling pathway Angiotensin II-stimulated signaling through G proteins and beta-arrestin His tam ine H2 receptor mediated signaling pathway His tam ine H1 receptor mediated signaling pathway Pyrimidine Metabolism Gamma-aminobutyric acid synthesis Cortocotropin releasing factor receptor signaling pathway Endothelin signaling pathway EGF receptor signaling pathway Cytoskeletal regulation by Rho GTPase Purine metabolism Cell cycle Beta3 adrenergic receptor signaling pathway Cadherin signaling pathway Beta2 adrenergic receptor signaling pathway Blood coagulation Phenylalanine biosynthesis Beta1 adrenergic receptor signaling pathway B c ell ac tiv at io n 5HT4 type receptor mediated signaling pathway Pentose phosphate pathway 5HT3 type receptor mediated signaling pathway 5HT2 type receptor mediated signaling pathway 5HT1 type receptor mediated signaling pathway 5- Hy dr ox yt ry pt am ine degredation 5- Hy dr ox yt ry pt am ine biosynthesis 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1 Syn ap tic_ ve si cl e_ tra ffi cki ng G ABA-R _R ece pt or_ II_ si gn al in g En do ge no us_ ca nn ab in oi d_ si gn al in g Li po at e_ bi osyn th esi s # of g en es Suppl.Figure 1A Denzelet al.(2012) A