Diversity valleys (see text) shared between Malawi D. melanogaster and the D. simulans data of Begun et al. (2007) "Regions analyzed: 2L:3047000-15560000, 2R:6508000-19002000, 3L:3339000-14556000, 3R:12909000-26707000, X:3701000-18963000" chrosomal_arm Melanogaster_start Melanogaster_stop Simulans_start Simulans_stop Melanogaster_Size Simulans_Size Shared_Start Shared_Stop Shared_Size Genes_near_overlap Chr2L 3808001 3809000 3807001 3811000 1000 4000 3808001 3809000 1000 l(2)k16918 (unknown) Chr2L 4440001 4443000 4441001 4444000 3000 3000 4441001 4443000 2000 Sfp24F (seminal fluid protein) Chr2L 5015001 5017000 5014001 5017000 2000 3000 5015001 5017000 2000 vkg (muscle devel.) Chr2L 5031001 5050000 5029001 5039000 19000 10000 5031001 5039000 8000 Cg25c (collagen) Chr2L 5279001 5280000 5279001 5280000 1000 1000 5279001 5280000 1000 Bub1 (mitotic spindle checkpoint) Chr2L 5978001 6000000 5983001 5985000 22000 2000 5983001 5985000 2000 eIF-4a (reg. of alt. splicing; translation intiation; mitotic spindle; oogenesis...) Chr2L 6632001 6666000 6637001 6639000 34000 2000 6637001 6639000 2000 CG31635 (?protein binding?) Chr2L 6913001 6928000 6919001 6926000 15000 7000 6919001 6926000 7000 Hrb27c (regulation of splicing; axon guidanceÉ) Chr2L 8209001 8212000 8210001 8211000 3000 1000 8210001 8211000 1000 Su(var)205 (chromatin binding/silencing) Chr2L 8381001 8382000 8381001 8383000 1000 2000 8381001 8382000 1000 Aats-ala (?tRNA ligase?) Chr2L 8401001 8405000 8403001 8405000 4000 2000 8403001 8405000 2000 emb (protein export; centriole replication) Chr2L 9237001 9239000 9237001 9238000 2000 1000 9237001 9238000 1000 tai (steroid hormone receptor; transcription coactivator) Chr2L 10765001 10766000 10765001 10766000 1000 1000 10765001 10766000 1000 UbcD2 (post-translational modification; metabolism) Chr2L 10978001 10981000 10977001 11001000 3000 24000 10978001 10981000 3000 SCAR (actin binding; various developmental processes) Chr2L 10997001 11000000 10977001 11001000 3000 24000 10997001 11000000 3000 aub (RNA interference; chromatin silencing; meiotic segregation) Chr2L 11116001 11123000 11117001 11118000 7000 1000 11117001 11118000 1000 CG6230 (>transmembrane ion transport?) Chr2L 11246001 11277000 11252001 11253000 31000 1000 11252001 11253000 1000 ab (muscle and neuron development; lysosome organizationÉ) Chr2L 11754001 11760000 11753001 11755000 6000 2000 11754001 11755000 1000 Sfp33A1 (seminal fluid protein) Chr2L 11803001 11805000 11789001 11806000 2000 17000 11803001 11805000 2000 crol (transcription factor; cell cycle; cell adhesion) Chr2L 11985001 12011000 11989001 11992000 26000 3000 11989001 11992000 3000 zuc (RNA interference); dgt2 (spindle organization); escl (protein binding) Chr2L 11985001 12011000 12003001 12015000 26000 12000 12003001 12011000 8000 Rh5 (rhodopsin) Chr2L 12535001 12544000 12538001 12539000 9000 1000 12538001 12539000 1000 "bun (regulation of: anatomical structure size, cell proliferation, apoptosis)" Chr2L 13188001 13203000 13196001 13201000 15000 5000 13196001 13201000 5000 CG16972 (unknown) Chr2L 13364001 13387000 13363001 13387000 23000 24000 13364001 13387000 23000 "Nnp-1, loqs, others" Chr2L 14725001 14727000 14712001 14728000 2000 16000 14725001 14727000 2000 CG12636 (unknown) Chr2R 6691001 6696000 6650001 6717000 5000 67000 6691001 6696000 5000 wde (ovariole development) Chr2R 6708001 6712000 6650001 6717000 4000 67000 6708001 6712000 4000 Lsm10 (mRNA processing); other genes Chr2R 7729001 7750000 7740001 7745000 21000 5000 7740001 7745000 5000 Mtor (spindle assembly) Chr2R 7853001 7877000 7853001 7864000 24000 11000 7853001 7864000 11000 CG8290 (transcription factor) Chr2R 7975001 7978000 7975001 7979000 3000 4000 7975001 7978000 3000 "jeb (development of: eye, muscle salivary gland)" Chr2R 8025001 8081000 8027001 8029000 56000 2000 8027001 8029000 2000 CG8378 (transcription repressor) Chr2R 8025001 8081000 8074001 8075000 56000 1000 8074001 8075000 1000 Cyp6g1 (insecticide resistance) Chr2R 8190001 8192000 8191001 8238000 2000 47000 8191001 8192000 1000 SIP2 (unknown) Chr2R 8219001 8236000 8191001 8238000 17000 47000 8219001 8236000 17000 split valley in both species - pi lowest near ana3 (mitotic spindle organization; centriole replication) Chr2R 8316001 8322000 8315001 8321000 6000 6000 8316001 8321000 5000 CG8831 (nucleocytoplasmic transport) Chr2R 8456001 8478000 8463001 8475000 22000 12000 8463001 8475000 12000 Sin3A (transcription repressor) Chr2R 9019001 9036000 9021001 9024000 17000 3000 9021001 9024000 3000 Cap-G (mitotic spindle organization; mitotic segregation) Chr2R 9108001 9113000 9066001 9118000 5000 52000 9108001 9113000 5000 Dp (transcription factor; oogenesis) Chr2R 9859001 9881000 9861001 9865000 22000 4000 9861001 9865000 4000 CG6701 (?DNA repair?) Chr2R 10035001 10069000 10036001 10039000 34000 3000 10036001 10039000 3000 Rcd1 (centriole replication) Chr2R 10035001 10069000 10058001 10068000 34000 10000 10058001 10068000 10000 cg (wing imaginal disc) Chr2R 10244001 10251000 10246001 10247000 7000 1000 10246001 10247000 1000 Arc1 (response to starvation) Chr2R 10754001 10757000 10754001 10760000 3000 6000 10754001 10757000 3000 Pcf11 (mRNA cleavage) Chr2R 11257001 11273000 11252001 11270000 16000 18000 11257001 11270000 13000 Pms2 (mismatched DNA binding); dup (antimicrobial response; eggshell formation; mitotic chromatid separationÉ) Chr2R 11555001 11586000 11571001 11572000 31000 1000 11571001 11572000 1000 Ranbp11 (RanGTP binding) Chr2R 12841001 12843000 12842001 12844000 2000 2000 12842001 12843000 1000 CG34415 (?transcription regulation?) Chr2R 12938001 12961000 12940001 12955000 23000 15000 12940001 12955000 15000 "in both species, deepest valley near tef (male meiosis chromosome segregation) and fat-spondin (serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor)" Chr2R 13316001 13323000 13319001 13320000 7000 1000 13319001 13320000 1000 Lhr (hybrid lethality) Chr2R 13435001 13440000 13434001 13479000 5000 45000 13435001 13440000 5000 MESR4 (bristles) Chr2R 13461001 13474000 13434001 13479000 13000 45000 13461001 13474000 13000 Dcr-2 (RNA interference) Chr2R 14032001 14045000 14040001 14045000 13000 5000 14040001 14045000 5000 lolal (chromatin silencing) Chr2R 14066001 14069000 14067001 14069000 3000 2000 14067001 14069000 2000 nopo (cell cycle); CG5726 (unknown) Chr2R 14242001 14243000 14242001 14245000 1000 3000 14242001 14243000 1000 (large intergenic region; near repeats) Chr2R 14299001 14300000 14299001 14308000 1000 9000 14299001 14300000 1000 Dp1 (heterochromatin formation; chromosome segregation; positive regulation of translation); imd (immune response) Chr2R 14725001 14734000 14723001 14728000 9000 5000 14725001 14728000 3000 CG15099 (unknown) Chr2R 14860001 14866000 14860001 14866000 6000 6000 14860001 14866000 6000 Topors (ubiquitin-protein ligase) Chr2R 15147001 15148000 15146001 15148000 1000 2000 15147001 15148000 1000 CG7229 (unknown) Chr2R 15341001 15364000 15354001 15362000 23000 8000 15354001 15362000 8000 par-1 (oogenesis; antimicrobial response; cell shapeÉ) Chr2R 15468001 15472000 15468001 15469000 4000 1000 15468001 15469000 1000 sm (feeding behavior; axon guidance; bristles) Chr2R 15653001 15655000 15653001 15655000 2000 2000 15653001 15655000 2000 between Or56a (?smell?) and cluster of rRNA genes [missing data] Chr2R 15832001 15833000 15822001 15860000 1000 38000 15832001 15833000 1000 CG30447 (unknown) Chr2R 16204001 16219000 16208001 16212000 15000 4000 16208001 16212000 4000 CG8920 (?nucleic acid binding?) Chr2R 16505001 16507000 16505001 16507000 2000 2000 16505001 16507000 2000 CG9945 (unknown) Chr2R 16551001 16557000 16551001 16558000 6000 7000 16551001 16557000 6000 exu (embryonic devel.); Fem-1 (unknown) Chr2R 16886001 16887000 16883001 16890000 1000 7000 16886001 16887000 1000 CG10543 (?zinc ion binding?) Chr2R 17070001 17072000 17071001 17072000 2000 1000 17071001 17072000 1000 tud (pole cell devel.) Chr2R 17601001 17603000 17601001 17602000 2000 1000 17601001 17602000 1000 HmgD (chromatin organization) Chr2R 17744001 17755000 17752001 17753000 11000 1000 17752001 17753000 1000 cmr (transcription activator; spermatogenesis) Chr2R 18094001 18098000 18096001 18099000 4000 3000 18096001 18098000 2000 CG3264 (?alkaline phosphatase; metabolism?) Chr2R 18480001 18493000 18476001 18493000 13000 17000 18480001 18493000 13000 CG4294 (?magnesium binding; phosphate metabolism?) Chr2R 18801001 18812000 18803001 18827000 11000 24000 18803001 18812000 9000 Nup214 (protein import to nucleus) Chr3L 5760001 5768000 5761001 5769000 8000 8000 5761001 5768000 7000 Usp36 (regulation of apoptosis and growth; cuticle chitin; gonad development) Chr3L 6192001 6199000 6189001 6194000 7000 5000 6192001 6194000 2000 CG8219 (protein import; nuclear pore); LanA (male aggression; female meiotic segregationÉ) Chr3L 7347001 7363000 7331001 7376000 16000 45000 7347001 7363000 16000 pst (learning); CTCF (transcription factor); sec63 (?protein folding?) Chr3L 8100001 8115000 8108001 8127000 15000 19000 8108001 8115000 7000 Arp66B (actin binding and reorganization; nurse cell to oocyte; phagocytosisÉ) Chr3L 8188001 8189000 8155001 8200000 1000 45000 8188001 8189000 1000 MED24 (dendrite and muscle devel.) Chr3L 8292001 8296000 8278001 8304000 4000 26000 8292001 8296000 4000 CG13671 (unknown) Chr3L 8430001 8433000 8431001 8434000 3000 3000 8431001 8433000 2000 Unr (dosage compensation) Chr3L 9095001 9097000 9095001 9097000 2000 2000 9095001 9097000 2000 bol (male meiosis; spermatogenesis; regulation of translation) Chr3L 9454001 9457000 9445001 9466000 3000 21000 9454001 9457000 3000 CG32043 (unknown) Chr3L 10584001 10586000 10583001 10586000 2000 3000 10584001 10586000 2000 CG32062 (?nervous system devel.?) Chr3L 11970001 11993000 11952001 11973000 23000 21000 11970001 11973000 3000 CG6947 (?chitin metabolism?) Chr3L 11970001 11993000 11987001 12004000 23000 17000 11987001 11993000 6000 GRIP (mitotic spindle organization); Pop2 (transcription factor) Chr3L 13412001 13415000 13411001 13414000 3000 3000 13412001 13414000 2000 CG32121 (?protein and zinc ion binding?) Chr3L 14397001 14398000 14396001 14434000 1000 38000 14397001 14398000 1000 stonewall (chromatin organization; germ-line stem cell maintenance) Chr3R 15798001 15809000 15799001 15801000 11000 2000 15799001 15801000 2000 CG31213 (?transmembrane transport?) Chr3R 15938001 15939000 15932001 15943000 1000 11000 15938001 15939000 1000 [missing data] Chr3R 16549001 16577000 16574001 16582000 28000 8000 16574001 16577000 3000 CG42322 (unknown) Chr3R 16623001 16632000 16623001 16628000 9000 5000 16623001 16628000 5000 CG17838 (mRNA splicing) Chr3R 18312001 18319000 18308001 18316000 7000 8000 18312001 18316000 4000 T-cp1 (mitotic spindle organization; phagocytosis); other genes Chr3R 19513001 19520000 19506001 19526000 7000 20000 19513001 19520000 7000 CG10254 (?post-translational modification; regulation of protein metabolism?) Chr3R 19633001 19638000 19634001 19642000 5000 8000 19634001 19638000 4000 eIF4G2 (male meiosis; spermatid differentiation) Chr3R 20130001 20151000 20140001 20142000 21000 2000 20140001 20142000 2000 [signals have different centers] Chr3R 21072001 21084000 21075001 21082000 12000 7000 21075001 21082000 7000 Nup358 (protein import; nuclear pore) Chr3R 23093001 23111000 23092001 23105000 18000 13000 23093001 23105000 12000 l(3)mbt (regulation of cell cycle; transcription repression; dendrite and muscle devel.) Chr3R 24144001 24149000 24144001 24146000 5000 2000 24144001 24146000 2000 larp (spindle assembly in male meiosis; mitotic chromosome condensation; centrosome separationÉ) Chr3R 24301001 24324000 24315001 24316000 23000 1000 24315001 24316000 1000 Dhc98D (?microtubule motor?) Chr3R 24850001 24857000 24851001 24854000 7000 3000 24851001 24854000 3000 CG1951 (?protein phosphorylation?); eIF4E6 (?RNA cap binding; translation initiation?) ChrX 3827001 3829000 3816001 3829000 2000 13000 3827001 3829000 2000 CG2938 (unknown) ChrX 3841001 3848000 3844001 3848000 7000 4000 3844001 3848000 4000 Vap-33-1 (nervous system devel.) ChrX 4160001 4174000 4161001 4170000 14000 9000 4161001 4170000 9000 CG15572 (unknown) ChrX 6650001 6661000 6653001 6661000 11000 8000 6653001 6661000 8000 CG14438 (?zinc ion binding?) ChrX 7784001 7789000 7781001 7787000 5000 6000 7784001 7787000 3000 Nek2 (regulation of mitosis) ChrX 7812001 7850000 7818001 7836000 38000 18000 7818001 7836000 18000 CG10777 (?RNA helicase?); CG10778 (phagocytosis) ChrX 9150001 9164000 9149001 9151000 14000 2000 9150001 9151000 1000 ric8a (cell polarity; mitotic spindle localizationÉ) ChrX 9150001 9164000 9163001 9172000 14000 9000 9163001 9164000 1000 CG17440 (?protein and zinc ion binding?) ChrX 9574001 9579000 9571001 9575000 5000 4000 9574001 9575000 1000 nej (chromatin organization; development; regulation of metabolismÉ) ChrX 10357001 10365000 10355001 10366000 8000 11000 10357001 10365000 8000 nocte (circadian clock) ChrX 11758001 11760000 11756001 11761000 2000 5000 11758001 11760000 2000 CG2025 (?proteolysis?) ChrX 15215001 15244000 15237001 15240000 29000 3000 15237001 15240000 3000 CG9123 (unknown); CG12607 (unknown); CG6227 (regulation of alt. splicing) ChrX 15362001 15370000 15363001 15366000 8000 3000 15363001 15366000 3000 Grip128 (male and female meiosis; mitotic spindle organization) ChrX 15473001 15476000 15463001 15481000 3000 18000 15473001 15476000 3000 CG9215 (?zinc ion and nucleic acid binding?); CG8097 (?arginyl-tRNA aminoacylation?)) ChrX 15607001 15608000 15591001 15635000 1000 44000 15607001 15608000 1000 CG8184 (dsRNA transport) ChrX 15720001 15733000 15719001 15724000 13000 5000 15720001 15724000 4000 Chc (sperm individualization; dsRNA transport; trachael system) ChrX 16491001 16502000 16494001 16496000 11000 2000 16494001 16496000 2000 Nup153 (nuclear pore) ChrX 17136001 17138000 17133001 17144000 2000 11000 17136001 17138000 2000 CG8915 (?helicase?)