Relay of retrograde synaptogenic signals through axonal transport of BMP receptors

JCS094292 Supplementary Material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplementary Material -
  • Movie 1 -

    Movie 1. Tkv-TFP endosomes at the NMJ of muscle 4.

  • Movie 2 -

    Movie 2. Axonal traffic of Tkv-YFP in axons original file (NMJ to the left).

  • Movie 3 -

    Movie 3. Axonal traffic of Wit-GFP in axons (NMJ to the left).

  • Movie 4 -

    Movie 4. Axonal traffic of Tkv-YFP in control axons (NMJ to the right).

  • Movie 5 -

    Movie 5. Axonal traffic of Tkv-YFP in wit mutant axons (NMJ to the right).

  • Movie 6 -

    Movie 6. Tkv-YFP (green) and Wit-CFP (red) endosomes at the NMJ of muscle 12.

  • Movie 7 -

    Movie 7. Axonal traffic of Tkv-YFP (yellow) and Wit-CFP (blue) in control animals (NMJ to the right).

  • Movie 8 -

    Movie 8. Axonal traffic of Tkv-YFP (yellow) and Wit-CFP (blue) in gbb mutant animals (NMJ to the right).