Survival of trauma patients who have prehospital tracheal intubation without anaesthesia

The study investigated the mortality of trauma patients intubated by paramedics or doctors in the prehospital setting without use of anaesthesia or muscle relaxants.

It is an ongoing debate for over a decade whether or not patient should be intubated with or without anaesthesia/muscle relaxants in this setting (Australasian J Emerg Care 1999, 6:5-6). There are no prospective controlled randomised trials to answer this question.

This is a retrospective study which raises the following questions:

Other comments: In summary this paper raises many questions and it does not help in the current form to answer the question whether or not patients should be intubated with drugs in the prehospital setting by paramedics (or physicians).

PD Dr. med. H. Zimmermann
University of Bern
3010 Bern