Preclinical research in Rett syndrome: setting the foundation for translational success

DMM011007 Supplementary Material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Table S1 -

    Table S1. Agenda for September 2011 workshop “Setting Priorities for Therapy Development in Rett Syndrome”.

  • Supplemental Table S2 -

    Table S2. Participant list for September 2011 workshop “Setting Priorities for Therapy Development in Rett Syndrome”.

  • Supplemental Table S3 -

    Table S3. General health, locomotion and lifespan phenotypes. Note that this Excel file is designed for on-screen use and is not formatted for printing.

  • Supplemental Table S4 -

    Table S4. Respiratory and autonomic control phenotypes. Note that this Excel file is designed for on-screen use and is not formatted for printing.

  • Supplemental Table S5 -

    Table S5. Cognitive, social and anxiety phenotypes. Note that this Excel file is designed for on-screen use and is not formatted for printing.

  • Supplemental Table S6 -

    Table S6. Cellular and synaptic phenotypes. Note that this Excel file is designed for on-screen use and is not formatted for printing.

  • Supplemental Table S7 -

    Table S7. Reference list for Supplemental Tables 3-6.