Genetic Linkage of Soil Carbon Pools and Microbial Functions in Subtropical Freshwater Wetlands in Response to Experimental Warming

Supplemental material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental file 1 -

    Supplemental materials and methods: microcosm configuration; description and basic properties of wetland sites for this study (Table S1); overall microbial diversities and functional gene shifts detected by GeoChip analysis for samples collected from YT, XZ, and XX wetland columns in the microcosm experiment under warmed and control treatments (Table S2); top 20 genes with the highest normalized signal intensities involved in carbon degradation for starch, hemicellulose, cellulose, chitin, and lignin degradation detected in warmed and control samples from tested wetland columns in the microcosm experiment (Table S3); schematic of the experimental wetland microcosm system developed using independently monitored water-bath jackets under the current climate condition and the simulated climate warming condition (Fig. S1); linear correlations between microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and soil organic carbon pools, including total organic carbon (TOC) and labile organic carbon pools (HLOC, MLOC, and LOC) for tested subtropical wetland soils in the microcosm experiment (Fig. S2); microbial community structure features of main phyla for bacteria and for fungi and archaea as indicated by detected gene numbers under warmed and control treatments (Fig. S3); gene sequences responsible for lignin degradation involved in carbon cycling were detected in warmed samples but were absent in control samples (Fig. S4).

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