BertaniRogérioRevision, cladistic analysis and biogeography of Typhochlaena C. L. Koch, 1850, Pachistopelma Pocock, 1901 and Iridopelma Pocock, 1901 (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Aviculariinae) Zookeys23102012201223019410.3897/zookeys.230.3500 Iridopelma vanini sp. n.Figs 127–133150–152169Diagnosis.

Males resemble those of Iridopelma zorodes and Iridopelma katiae sp. n. by leg I and IV having similar length (leg IV/I length = 0.98, SD = 0.02). It differs from Iridopelma zorodes and Iridopelma katiae sp. n. by longer embolus (Figs 127–129). Additionally, it differs from Iridopelma katiae sp. n. by a general brown pattern. Female resembles those of Iridopelma marcoi sp. n. by longer spermathecae folded twice (Fig. 132), and differs by having type II urticating setae on abdomen dorsum.


The specific name is a patronym in honour of Professor Sérgio Antonio Vanin, a Brazilian entomologist. As advisor of some arachnologists, myself included, he contributed to the development of modern Brazilian arachnology.


Holotype female (IBSP Ref. 74.595), Brazil, state of Piauí, Parnaíba [2°53'S, 41°41'W], 5 m a.s.l., R. Bertani, November 1994; Paratype male (IBSP 11328), Brazil, state of Maranhão, Barreirinhas, Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses [2°41'S, 42°55'W), 32 m a.s.l., Equipe Biota, 12–18 October 2001.

Additional material examined.

BRAZIL: Pará: Rio Tocantins, margem direita, Chiqueirão [4°20'S, 49°25'W], B. M. Mascarenhas, 1 April 1984 (MPEG-ARA 005080); Maranhão: Barreirinhas, Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses [2°41'S, 42°55'W), 32 m a.s.l., Equipe Biota, 12–18 October 2001, 1 male (IBSP 11346), 1 female (IBSP 11343), 1 female (IBSP 11330), 1 female, 1 immature (IBSP 11345), 1 female, 2 immatures (IBSP 11342); Piauí: Castelo do Piauí, E. C. B. Rochas Ornamentais (5°13'50.8"S, 41°42'01.1"W), F. M. Oliveira-Neto, 27 October 2005, 1 male (MPEG-ARA 002297); José de Freitas, Nazareth Eco Resort [4°46'S, 42°34'W], S. Brasil, 3 males (IBSP 11349); Tocantins: Colinas de Tocantins [8°03'S, 48°28'W], W. R. Soares, 10 December 1968, 1 female (IBSP 3918).


Holotype female (IBSP Ref. 74.595). Carapace 21.3 long, 20.0 wide, chelicerae 11.0. Legs (femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus, total): I: 17.4, 9.8, 13.1, 11.9, 6.5, 58.7. II: 15.9, 9.1, 11.9, 11.2, 5.9, 54.0. III: 14.0, 8.5, 10.6, 10.7, 5.8, 49.6. IV: 16.5, 9.1, 13.5, 13.9, 5.9, 58.9. Palp: 12.0, 7.0, 8.0, –, 8.1, 35.1. Mid-widths (lateral): femora I–IV = 4.2, 4.2, 4.5, 4.2, palp = 3.3; patellae I–IV = 4.0, 4.3, 3.9, 3.8, palp = 3.4; tibiae I–IV = 3.5, 3.3, 3.1, 3.5, palp=3.0; metatarsi I–IV = 2.6, 2.7, 2.4, 2.4; tarsi I–IV = 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, 2.9, palp = 3.0. Abdomen 22.1 long, 16.9 wide. Spinnerets: PMS, 2.2 long, 1.3 wide, 0.5 apart; PLS, 3.7 basal, 2.5 middle, 3.8 distal; mid-widths (lateral), 2.1, 1.9, 1.4, respectively. Carapace: length to width 1.06. Fovea: deep, 4.4 wide. Eyes: tubercle 1.0 high, 2.5 long, 3.5 wide. Clypeus 1.4. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior slightly recurved. Eye sizes and inter-distances: AME 0.6, ALE 0.7, PME 0.4, PLE 0.7, AME–AME 1.0, AME–ALE 0.5, AME–PME 0.4, ALE–ALE 2.4, ALE–PME 0.9, PME–PME 2.1, PME–PLE 0.2, PLE–PLE 2.7, ALE–PLE 0.5, AME–PLE 0.7. Ratio of eye group width to length 2.1. Maxillae: length to width: 2.2. Cuspules: 100–150 spread over ventral inner heel. Labium: 2.5 long, 3.0 wide, with ca. 100 cuspules spaced by one diameter from each other on the anterior third. Labio-sternal groove deep, narrow, sigilla not evident. Chelicerae: basal segments with ten teeth decreasing in size from distal to basal portion. Sternum: 9.9 long, 7.5 wide. Legs: leg formula: I=IV II III. Scopula: tarsi I–IV fully scopulate. Metatarsi I–II 4/5 scopulate; III 2/3, IV 1/3 distal scopulate. IV divided by five wide row of setae. Urticating hairs type II (0.65 to 0.70 long, 0.02 wide) on abdomen dorsum. Genitalia: paired long and converging spermathecae tapering strongly from base to apex, double folded and with strong constriction forming two (more rarely one or three) distal lobes (Fig. 132). Color pattern: carapace, chelicerae and dorsum of legs and palps covered with short setae having green/blue iridescence and with abundant longer light brown setae giving a brownish appearance. Tarsi dorsally with a “U” orange stripe. Femora ventrally of the same color as the dorsum; patellae, tibiae, metatarsi and tarsi ventrally blackish. Coxae, labium, sternum and maxillae black. Longitudinal stripes on dorsum of femora, patellae, tibiae and metatarsi whitish, conspicuous. Distal femora, patellae, tibiae and metatarsi with white rings. Abdomen dorsum and lateral light-brown with long setae of same color. Central dorsal area blackish, forming a pattern, with long setae having basal part blackish, distal light brown. Urticating hairs reddish. Abdomen ventrally black (Fig. 133).


Paratype male (IBSP 11328). Carapace 17.7 long, 17.4 wide, chelicerae 9.6. Legs (femur, patella, tibia, metatarsus, tarsus, total): I: 17.5, 9.1, 13.9, 13.6, 7.3, 61.4. II: 16.4, 8.3, 13.0, 12.7, 6.5, 56.9. III: 14.0, 7.0, 11.0, 11.6, 5.8, 49.4. IV: 16.7, 7.7, 14.4, 14.9, 6.3, 60.0. Palp: 9.9, 5.8, 7.7, –, 3.6, 27.0. Mid-widths (lateral): femora I–IV = 3.7, 3.6, 3.7, 3.4, palp = 2.5; patellae I–IV = 3.6, 3.5, 3.5, 3.3, palp = 2.6; tibiae I–IV = 3.0, 2.9, 2.9, 2.7, palp = 2.4; metatarsi I–IV = 2.2, 2.1, 1.9, 1.8; tarsi I–IV = 2.4, 2.5, 2.1, 2.3, palp = 2.4. Abdomen 19.3 long, 13.1 wide. Spinnerets: PMS, 1.7 long, 0.8 wide, 0.3 apart; PLS, 2.9 basal, 2.3 middle, 2.9 distal; mid-widths (lateral), 1.3, 1.1, 0.8, respectively. Carapace: length to width 1.01. Fovea 2.1 wide. Eyes: tubercle 0.9 high, 1.9 long, 3.0 wide. Clypeus 1.0. Anterior eye row procurved, posterior slightly recurved. Eye sizes and inter-distances: AME 0.6, ALE 0.7, PME 0.5, PLE 0.7, AME–AME 0.7, AME–ALE 0.5, AME–PME 0.3, ALE–ALE 1.9, ALE–PME 0.6, PME–PME 1.8, PME–PLE 0.3, PLE–PLE 2.3, ALE–PLE 0.2, AME–PLE 0.6. Ratio of eye group width to length 2.0. Other characters as in female, except: maxillae: length to width: 2.3. Cuspules: 150–200 spread over ventral inner heel. Labium: 2.3 long, 2.9 wide, with 150–200 cuspules spaced by one diameter from each other on the anterior third center. Labio-sternal groove shallow, flat, sigilla not evident. Sternum: 8.2 long, 6.8 wide. Legs: leg formula: I=IV II III. Tibial spurs. Legs: I, single, 0.8 long, 2.2 wide (Fig. 130); II, single, 0.5 long, 2.1 wide (Fig. 131); both with numerous spiniform setae on their tips. Urticating hairs type II (1.13 long, 0.02 wide) on the abdomen dorsum. Palp: embolus 4.9 long, with a 135° curvature to the retrolateral side. Embolus basal, middle and distal width of 0.9, 0.3 and 0.04, respectively. Tegulum 1.5 long, 2.3 wide. (Figs 127–129). Cymbium: spiniform process 1.0 long, 0.7 wide on apex. Color pattern and setation mostly as in female. Dorsal abdominal pattern not as conspicuous as in female.


Brazil, states of Piaui, Maranhão and possibly Tocantins and Pará (Fig. 169). There is a single record for both Tocantins (Colinas de Tocantins) and Pará (Tocantins River). These specimens are smaller than those from Maranhão and Piauí, and the specimen from Pará has both male palpal bulb emboli broken, therefore its identification is only tentative.

Spermathecae variation.

Typical spermatheca is long, converging, tapers strongly from base to apex, double folded and with a strong constriction forming two distal lobes (Figs 132, 151). In some specimens the apical region ends in a single lobe, that can be partially divided (Fig. 150) or in two lobes with one partially or completely divided, in this case resulting in multilobular spermathecae (Fig. 152).

Natural history.

Little is known of this species. The holotype female was collected with an eggsac in November, under a fallen tree trunk in a moderately anthropized area in Parnaíba, state of Piaui. Other specimens were collected in Barreirinhas, State of Maranhão. Both localities are on coastal region characterized by huge sandy dunes and sparse vegetation. Other localities, as Jose de Freitas (Carvalho and Avelino 2010) and Castelo do Piaui, both in state of Piaui, as well as Colinas do Tocantins, state of Tocantins, are chiefly covered by cerrado, a savannah-like vegetation.

Color pattern ontogeny.

No data available.

Iridopelma vanini sp. n. 127–131 male 127–129 left palpal bulb (IBSP 11328) 127 prolateral 128 retrolateral 129 frontal 130 tibial spur of left leg I 131 tibial spur of left leg II 132 holotype female (IBSP Ref. 74.595) spermathecae. Scale bar = 1mm.

Iridopelma vanini sp. n., holotype female, habitus, from Parnamirim, state of Piaui. Photo: R. Bertani.

Variation in spermathecae 150–152 Iridopelma vanini sp. n. 150–151 Barreirinhas, state of Maranhão (IBSP 11343, IBSP 11330) 152 Colinas de Tocantins, state of Tocantins (IBSP 3918) 153–155 Iridopelma katiae sp. n. 153 Rio de Contas, state of Bahia (IBSP 10317) 154 Mucugê, Parque Nacional da Chapada Diamantina, state of Bahia (MZSP 36890) 155 Ibicoara, state of Bahia (MZSP 22762). Scale bar = 1mm.

Map showing records of Iridopelma species in Northestern, Central western and Northern Brazil. Diamond = Iridopelma hirsutum Pocock, 1901, star = Iridopelma zorodes (Mello-Leitão, 1926), square = Iridopelma vanini sp. n., retangle = Iridopelma marcoi sp. n., triangle = Iridopelma katiae sp. n., circle = Typhochlaena oliveirai sp. n. The gray area represents the approximate original distribution of Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. White area represents open environments (cerrado and caatinga).

CarvalhoLSAvelinoMT (2010) Composição e diversidade da fauna de aranhas (Arachnida, Araneae) da Fazenda Nazareth, Município de José de Freitas, Piauí, Brazil. Biota Neotropica 10(3). [accessed 07 June 2012] doi: 10.1590/S1676-06032010000300001