Ndel1-derived peptides modulate bidirectional transport of injected beads in the squid giant axon

BIO2012307 Supplementary Material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplemental Figure S1 -

    Supplementary Fig. 1: Schematic presentation of the Ndel1 and Nde1 peptides and their comparison using blastp analysis.

  • Movie 1
  • Movie 2
  • Movie 3 - Supplementary movies 1–3 examples of time-lapse microscopy images showing transport of the fluorescent beads. Scale bar represents 10 micron.
  • Movie 4 - Supplementary movie 4: an example of a bead moving in the anterograde direction. Scale bar represents 2 micron.
  • Movie 5 - Supplementary movie 5: an example of a bead moving in the retrograde direction. Scale bar represents 1 micron.