Emergence of embryonic pattern through contact inhibition of locomotion

DEV082248 Supplementary Material

Files in this Data Supplement:

  • Supplementary Material -
  • Movie 1 -

    Movie 1. Haemocytes expressing both a red nuclear marker and a GFP microtubule probe imaged by confocal microscopy and haemocyte nuclei automatically tracked within the developing Drosophila embryo.

  • Movie 2 -

    Movie 2. A pair of colliding haemocytes expressing a red nuclear marker and a GFP microtubule probe was automatically tracked within the embryo. Note that the cells rapidly change direction upon microtubule contact.

  • Movie 3 -

    Movie 3. Haemocytes expressing a red nuclear marker and a GFP microtubule probe were tracked using both the nucleus (red track) and the centre of the cell body (white track) as fiduciary points. Note that the two tracks move in step with each other even after collision events.

  • Movie 4 -

    Movie 4. Three-dimensional reconstruction of haemocytes along the ventral surface expressing a red nuclear marker and a GFP microtubule probe. Note that haemocytes in lateral positions are contiguous with a plane of haemocytes beneath the ventral surface.

  • Movie 5 -

    Movie 5. Haemocytes expressing a fluorescent actin probe (GFP-Moesin) were imaged by confocal microscopy after they had evenly dispersed along the ventral embryonic surface. Note that cells are highly migratory and yet maintain an even spacing and an approximate three-line pattern.

  • Movie 6 -

    Movie 6. Example of a haemocyte dispersal simulation with cells starting from random positions. The left panel shows cell positions and the right panel the cell tracks. Note that cells very rapidly acquire a three-line pattern.

  • Movie 7 -

    Movie 7. Example of a haemocyte dispersal simulation. The left panel shows cell positions and the right panel the cell tracks. Note that cells rapidly acquire a three-line pattern upon leaving the midline of the simulated embryo.

  • Movie 8 -

    Movie 8. Example of a haemocyte dispersal simulation that takes into account only volume exclusion between cells. The left panel shows cell positions and the right panel the cell tracks. Note that cells do not form a three-line pattern upon leaving the midline and show reduced motility.

  • Movie 9 -

    Movie 9. Real (left) versus simulated (right) cell tracks overlaid onto the domain map as described in Fig. 4.

  • Movie 10 -

    Movie 10. A time-lapse series of actin-labelled migrating haemocytes overlaid onto the domain map. The asterisk indicates the anomalous domain from Fig. 4. Note that the haemocyte within the aberrant domain becomes trapped due to contact inhibition.

  • Movie 11 -

    Movie 11. A 2-hour time-lapse movie of migrating haemocytes (nuclei in magenta) overlaid onto their own 40-minute walking average domain map (green). The blue track highlights a moving domain, whereas the green and red tracks highlight a disappearing and reappearing domain.

  • Movie 12 -

    Movie 12. A 2-hour time-lapse movie of a walking average domain map (green) overlaid onto an embryonic segment map. Tracks highlight stable domains, which migrate during the movie, with many crossing segment boundaries.

  • Movie 13 -

    Movie 13. Simulation of haemocyte dispersal with approximately half the normal number of cells. The left panel shows cell positions and the right panel the cell tracks. Note that cells fail to adopt a three-line pattern.

  • Movie 14 -

    Movie 14. A time-lapse series of actin-labelled, Cyclin A-expressing haemocytes overlaid onto the domain map. Note the failure to develop the close-packed domain pattern.

  • Movie 15 -

    Movie 15. Haemocytes expressing a red nuclear marker, a GFP microtubule probe, and overexpressing Cyclin A, displaying normal contact inhibition.

  • Simulation 1 -
  • Simulation 2 -

    Simulations 1 and 2. Mathematica files of simulated haemocyte dispersal allowing for easy testing of model parameters. Simulation 1 takes into account contact inhibition dynamics of the haemocytes, and Simulation 2 assumes simple volume exclusion between cells. These files can be run on a free version of Mathematica (http://www.wolfram.com/cdf-player/).