Published August 20, 2012 // JCB vol. 198 no. 4 623-636
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201111105

Hsp110 is required for spindle length control

Video 1.
Time-lapse microscopy of the spindle. Spindles were visualized in sse1Δ cells using plasmid-borne GFP-Tub1 and examined by time-lapse spinning-disk confocal microscopy. Images were captured using a spinning-disk confocal system (WaveFX) with an ultra-cooled 512 back-tinned EM charge-coupled device camera. Images were captured at room temperature after loading the cells on gelatin pads. Stacks of 11 optical sections spaced 0.3 µm apart or 5 optical planes spaced 0.2 µm apart were captured every 1 min for 40 min. GFP was excited using a 488-nm laser, and its emission was collected using a 505-nm long-pass filter. The magnification used was 63×.