Published November 26, 2012 // JCB vol. 199 no. 5 831-847
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201209044

Nonmedially assembled F-actin cables incorporate into the actomyosin ring in fission yeast

Video 2.
Nonmedially assembled actin cables migrate toward the middle in cdc25-22 LAGFP mCh-Atb2p cells. Images were either acquired by time-lapse spinning-disk microscopy (left; Eclipse Ti microscope; microLAMBDA) or an optimized time-lapse spinning-disk microscopy (right; Axiovert 200M microscope) at 24°C. (left) LAGFP is in black. Frames were collected every 5 s. Red asterisks show nonmedially assembled actin cables migrating to the medial region during ring assembly. Related to Fig. 2 B. (right) LAGFP is in green, and mCh-Atb2p is in red. Frames were collected every 15 s. Yellow asterisks show nonmedially assembled actin cables migrating to the medial region during ring assembly. Bars, 5 µm. For the whole video, frame rate is five frames per second.