(exp Respiratory Tract Infections/ or respiratory infection* or upper respiratory tract infection* or URTI) and (exp Fluid Therapy/ or fluid therapy or exp Water-Electrolyte Balance/ or water electrolyte balance or fluid balance or exp water/ or exp drinking/ or exp drinking behaviour/ or drink* adj (fluid* or water) or exp Infusions, Parenteral/ or parenteral infusion* or exp thirst/ or thirst* or exp water deprivation/ or water intake or fluid intake or rehydration or exp Rehydration Solutions/ or rehydration solution* or oral rehydration therapy or (give fluid*) or (give near fluid*)
Table A Selection of recommendations about fluid
in medical texts
Study | Publication type | URTI | Bronchitis or bronchiolitis | Pneumonia |
Campbell 1998w1 |
Robinson 2003w2 |
Murtagh 1996w3 |
Fry 1993w4 |
Rosser 1998w5 |
Taylor 1998w6 |
Middleton 1991w7 |
Eisenberg 1998w8 |
Smith 2001w9 |
URTI=Upper respiratory tract infection.
++=Recommends increased fluid intake.
+=recommends fluid intake, quantity not specified.
0=No fluid recommendation made.
=Management of condition not addressed.
Table B Additional cases of hyponatraemia in non-dehydrated
patients with respiratory infections
Study |
Lipsitz 1984w10 |
Rosenow 1972w11 |
Additional references