Search strategy additional terms

(exp Respiratory Tract Infections/ or respiratory infection* or upper respiratory tract infection* or URTI) and (exp Fluid Therapy/ or fluid therapy or exp Water-Electrolyte Balance/ or water electrolyte balance or fluid balance or exp water/ or exp drinking/ or exp drinking behaviour/ or drink* adj (fluid* or water) or exp Infusions, Parenteral/ or parenteral infusion* or exp thirst/ or thirst* or exp water deprivation/ or water intake or fluid intake or rehydration or exp Rehydration Solutions/ or rehydration solution* or oral rehydration therapy or (give fluid*) or (give near fluid*)

Table A Selection of recommendations about fluid in medical texts
Study Publication type URTI Bronchitis or bronchiolitis Pneumonia
Campbell 1998w1
Robinson 2003w2
Murtagh 1996w3
General practice
Fry 1993w4
General practice
Rosser 1998w5
General practice
Taylor 1998w6
General practice
Middleton 1991w7
General practice
Eisenberg 1998w8
Home medical guide
Smith 2001w9
Home medical guide

URTI=Upper respiratory tract infection.

++=Recommends increased fluid intake.

+=recommends fluid intake, quantity not specified.

0=No fluid recommendation made.

—=Management of condition not addressed.

Table B Additional cases of hyponatraemia in non-dehydrated patients with respiratory infections
No of patients
Serum sodium level (mmol/l)
Serum or urine osmolality
Symptoms associated with low sodium level
Lipsitz 1984w10
10 week old girl
Mild coryza, had been given large amounts of oral fluids
Rosenow 1972w11
40 year old woman, 24 and 28 year old pregnant women
Dilute serum, concentrated urine
40 year old woman lost consciousness

Additional references

  1. Campbell AGM, McIntosh N, eds. Forfar and Arneil’s textbook of pediatrics. 5th ed. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1998:559-70.
  2. Robinson MJ, Roberton DM, eds. Practical paediatrics. 5th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 2003:442-82.
  3. Murtagh J. General practice. Sydney: McGraw-Hill, 1996:336-7, 609.
  4. Fry J, Sandler G. Common diseases: their nature, prevalence and care. 5th ed. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, 1993:35-94.
  5. Rosser W, Shafir M. Evidence-based family medicine. Hamilton: BC Decker, 1998:108-9.
  6. Taylor R, ed. Family medicine. Principles and practice. 5th ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1998:328-44, 734-45.
  7. Middleton D. An approach to paediatric upper respiratory infections. Aust Fam Physician 1991;44:S33-47.
  8. Eisenberg A. Murkoff H, Hathaway S. What to expect in the toddler years. Sydney: Harper Collins, 1998:596-610.
  9. Smith T, Davidson S. The British Medical Association new family doctor home advisor. 3rd ed. London: Dorling Kindersley, 2001:77, 106-7, 194-5.
  10. Lipsitz DJ. Herbal teas and water intoxication in a young child. J Fam Pract 1984;18:933-7.
  11. Rosenow EC, Segar WE, Zehr JE. Inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion in pneumonia. Mayo Clin Proc 1972;47:169-74.