ShaverdoHelena V.SurbaktiSurianiHendrichLarsBalkeMichaelIntroduction of the Exocelina ekari-group with descriptions of 22 new species from New Guinea (Coleoptera, Dytiscidae, Copelatinae) Zookeys13122012201225017610.3897/zookeys.250.3715 Exocelina pseudosoppi Shaverdo, Hendrich & Balkesp. n.Figs 19A–E, 45Type locality.

Indonesia: Papua Province: Nabire/Paniai Regencies, road Nabire-Enarotali, 80th km, 03°33.86'S, 135°46.47'E.

Type material.

Holotype: male “IRIAN JAYA: Paniai Prov. road Nabire-Ilaga, km 80 12.9.1996, 250m leg. M. Balke (96 # 21)” (NHMW). Paratypes: 1 male, 2 females with the same label as the holotype (NHMW). 1 male “Indonesia: Papua, Road Nabire-Enarotali KM 62, 340m, 22.x.2011, 03 31.684S 135 42.802E, Uncen (PAP11)”, “DNA M. Balke 4916” (ZSM).


Beetle small, very similar to Exocelina soppi sp. n., differing from it in the shape of the anterior part of the prosternum, simple male antennae, and male genitalia: truncate apex of the median lobe, stronger submedian constriction, and the shape and setation of the paramere: shallow notch on the dorsal side and subdistal part elongate, with a strong tuft of thicker, somewhat flattend, and strongly curved at apex setae.


Size and shape: Beetle small (TL-H 3.15 mm, TL 3.45–3.5 mm, MW 1.65–1.7 mm), with oblong-oval habitus, broadest at elytral middle. Coloration: Similar to Exocelina soppi sp. n. (Fig. 45).

Surface sculpture: Punctation and microreticulation as in Exocelina soppi sp. n.

Structures: Pronotum without lateral bead. Base of prosternum and neck of prosternal process with distinct ridge, anteriorly evidently less rounded and smooth than in Exocelina soppi sp. n., with very small anterolateral extensions. Blade of prosternal process lanceolate, relatively broad, slightly convex, with distinct bead and few setae; neck and blade of prosternal process evenly jointed. Abdominal sternite 7 broadly rounded apically.

Male: Antenna simple (Fig. 19A). Protarsomere 4 with middle-sized, slender, evidently curved anterolateral hook. Protarsomere 5 ventrally with anterior row of 15 short setae and posterior row of 4 short setae (Fig. 19B). Abdominal sternite 7 with 3–7 lateral striae on each side. Median lobe with strong submedian constriction in ventral view and truncate apex in lateral view (Figs 19C, D). Paramere with shallow notch on dorsal side and subdistal part elongate, with strong tuft of thicker, somewhat flattend, and strongly curved at apex setae (Fig. 19E).

Female: Without evident differences in external morphology from male, except for abdominal sternite 7 without striae.


Indonesia: Papua Province: Nabire and Paniai Regencies. This species is known only from the type locality area (Fig. 50).


Long time this species was mistaken for Exocelina soppi sp. n. The name is a noun in the nominative singular standing in apposition.

18 Exocelina soppi sp. n. 19 Exocelina pseudosoppi sp. n. A male antenna B protarsomeres 4–5 in ventral view C median lobe in ventral view D median lobe in lateral view E paramere in external view.

Habitus and coloration. 44 Exocelina soppi sp. n. 45 Exocelina pseudosoppi sp. n. 46 Exocelina eme sp. n. 47 Exocelina brahminensis sp. n.