Published February 4, 2013 // JCB vol. 200 no. 3 271-286
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201208030

Immobile myosin-II plays a scaffolding role during cytokinesis in budding yeast

Video 6.
Full-ring bleaching of Tpm2-GFP, Myo2-GFP, and Exo84-GFP during cytokinesis. Related to Fig. 5. (left column) strain YEF6197 (TPM2-GFP CDC3-RFP). A 1-s time-lapse interval is shown. Green, Tpm2-GFP; red, Cdc3-RFP. (middle column) Strain: YEF6001 (MYO2-GFP, pRS316-MYO1-mCherry). A 3-s time-lapse interval is shown. Green, Myo2-GFP; red, Myo1-RFP. (right column) Strain: YEF5862 (EXO84-GFP CDC3-RFP). A 1-s time-lapse interval is shown. Green, Exo84-GFP; red, Cdc3-RFP.