Published February 4, 2013 // JCB vol. 200 no. 3 301-320
The Rockefeller University Press, doi: 10.1083/jcb.201204092

Myosin VI small insert isoform maintains exocytosis by tethering secretory granules to the cortical actin

Video 1.
Myosin VI SI restricts the movement of SGs near the plasma membrane. Myosin VI stable knockdown PC12 cells cotransfected with GFP-MyoVI-SIfull and NPY-mCherry were visualized after nicotine stimulation using time-lapse live-cell imaging using a TIRF microscope (Marianas and Everest; Intelligent Imaging Innovations, Inc.). The trajectory of a single NPY-mCherry–positive SG becomes restricted as its colocalization with GFP-MyoVI-SIfull increases. The video was compiled at two frames per second.