4 Supplementary Information In this section we investigate the e ects of a heterogeneous sensitive cell population. Specif- ically assume that the sensitive cell population at time t is Z0(t) = NX j=1 Z0;j(t); where for each j, Z0;j is a sub-critical binary branching process with birth rate r0, death rate d(j) and net decay rate r(j) = jr0 d(j)j. Lastly the initial conditions are given by Z0;j(0) = pjn where pj 2 (0; 1). De ne r = minfr(j) : 1 j Ng, then de ne tn = 1r log n and for > 0 n = n bv=r+ 1 log n: We can then write the Laplace transform of the rescaled and sped up resistant cell process as E exp (nZ1(vtn)) = E exp 0 @ r0 n Z b 0 g(x) Z vtn 0 1 ~xvtn s( n) NX j=1 Z0;j(s)dsdx 1 A exp 0 @ r0 n Z b 0 g(x) Z vtn 0 1 ~xvtn s( n) NX j=1 e r(j)spjndsdx 1 A ; where we replace Z0 by its mean. De ne ~I1(n; v) = r0 n 1 Z b 0 g(x) Z vtn 0 1 ~xvtn s(n) NX j=1 e r(j)spjdsdx Then note that the derivation for the approximation of I1(n; v) in (2) is independent of the value of r in the exponent in the integrand, and therefore ~I1(n; v) ro rg(b) v NX j=1 pj r(j) + b ; which gives us the approximation Z1(vtn) n 1+bv=r ro rg(b) v NX j=1 pj r(j) + b : Comparing with the approximation in the setting of homogenous sensitive cell population we see only a change in the values of the constant. 26