Kathleen Sprouffske,C.Athena Aktipis,Jerald P.Radich,Martin Carroll, Aurora M. Nedelcu and CarloC.Maley.Anevolutionaryexplanationforthepresenceofcancernonstem cellsin neoplasms Supplementary Material Tableof Contents SupplementaryFigures.............................................................................................................2 SupplementaryMethods...........................................................................................................6 Stage structured population model...........................................................................................6 Individual-basedmodeldesignandimplementation ................................................................8 SupplementaryTables ............................................................................................................11 SupplementaryText ................................................................................................................15 SupplementaryReferences....................................................................................................16 SupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 2 of 16 Supplementary Figures Fig.S1.The effect of varying the probability for symmetric division and the number of differentiation stages on the finalpercentof tumor-propagating cells and the proportion of tumor-propagating cell symmetric divisions. (A) In the absence of evolution, increasing the probability for symmetric division is sufficient to increase the percent of tumor-propagating cells in a neoplasm.Simulations in which the probability of symmetric division could notevolve show thathigh levels of symmetric division resultin high numbers of tumor- propagating cells.Values of less than 0.5 for the probability of symmetric division led to neoplasm extinction (n=[0,0,0,50,50,50,50] for probability of symmetric division=[0.05,0.2,0.35,0.5,0.65,0.8,0.95]). Theprobability ofsymmetricdivision and thefinalpercentoftumor-propagating cells is highly correlated (Pearson’s correlation R=0.97). (B) In the absence of evolution, increasing the number of differentiation stages decreases the percent of tumor-propagating cells in the neoplasm forpopulations with a fixed symmetric division probability of 0.5 (n=[49,50,49,26] for number transientcellstages=[2,4,8,16]).The numberof transientstages and the finalpercentof tumor-propagating cells are negatively correlated (Pearson’s correlation R=0.88). (C) In evolving populations,the number of differentiation stages did not affectthe finalpercentof tumor-propagating cells or(D)the proportion of tumor-propagating cell symmetric divisions reached by naturalselection (n=[50,50,47,29] for number transientcell stages=[2,4,8,16]). The proportion of tumor-propagating cellsymmetric divisions was significantly higher than control simulations conducted in the absence of evolution (p=[3x10-164,2x10-167,1x10-153,3x10-79] for numbertransientcellstages=[2,4,8,16]).Errorbars show standard error of the mean,50 simulations were initialized per condition. Replicate simulations from each condition were similarand led to small error bars;in some cases the errorbars are indistinguishable from the top of the data bar. 0.5 0.65 0.8 0.95 Initial probability of symmetric division Final percent of tumor −propagating cells 0 20 40 60 80 100 2 4 8 16 Number of transient stages Final percent of tumor −propagating cells 0 20 40 60 80 100 2 4 8 16 Number of transient stages Final propor tion of symmetr ic divisions 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 4 8 16 Number of transient stages Final percent of tumor −propagating cells 0 20 40 60 80 100 A B C DSupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 3 of 16 Fig.S2.Evolution ofthetumor-propagating cellsymmetric division traitrequires sufficientvariability for naturalselection to actin 10 simulated years. Therewassufficientvariability fortheevolution of(A)high tumor-propagating celland (B)symmetric division levels forthe standard deviation of the symmetric division trait.The proportion of tumor- propagating cellsymmetric divisions was significantly higherthan controlsimulations conducted in the absence of evolution (p=[5x10-28,2x10-36,6x10-120,2x10-169,6x10-166,4x10-155,3x10-169] for standard deviation=[0.01,0.02,0.04,0.08,0.16,0.32,0.64]).While the proportion of symmetric divisions did evolve underconditions of low traitvariability,its rate of evolution was slow enough thatthere was insufficient time for the population to reach the high levels observed once it exceeded 0.04 (n=[48,47,47,48,47,48,48] forstandard deviation=[0.01,0.02,0.04,0.08,0.16,0.32,0.64]).There was insufficientvariability forthe evolution of (C) high tumor-propagating celland (D)symmetric division levels atlow mutation rates as compared to controlsimulations conducted in the absence of evolution using a t-test with significance levels adjusted using the Bonferroni correction for multiple-testing (p=[0.08,0.002], n=[48,48]formutation rate=[1x10-7,1x10-6]). . However, the mutation rate did not affect the final percent of tumor-propagating cells or the proportion of tumor-propagating cellsymmetric divisions reached by naturalselection once it exceeded 1x10-4 mutations in the asymmetric / symmetric division gene set per cell division (p=[4x10- 21,1x10-112,3x10-161] n=[48,48,50] for mutation rate=[1x10-5,1x10-4,1x10-3]). Together, the mutation rate and the standard deviation of new mutations in the probability of symmetric division can define whether the symmetric division trait can evolve quickly enough for tumor-propagating cells to take overthe neoplasm.Due to computationallimitations,we did notrun the simulation atrealistic population sizes (109- 1012), however,withlargerpopulations,lowermutationratesresultintheevolutionofhighsymmetric division probabilities and tumor-propagating cells willcontinue to dominate the neoplasm.Errorbars show standard error of the mean,50 simulations were initialized per condition. Mutation rate (log) Final percent of tumor −propagating cells 0 20 40 60 80 100 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 Mutation rate (log) Final propor tion of symmetr ic divisions 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 −7 −6 −5 −4 −3 0.01 0.04 0.16 0.64 Probability symmetric division std dev Final percent of tumor −propagating cells 0 20 40 60 80 100 0.01 0.04 0.16 0.64 Probability symmetric division std dev Final propor tion of symmetr ic divisions 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 A B C DSupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 4 of 16 Fig.S3.All maximum possible neoplasm sizes, or tissue carrying capacities, resulted in the evolution of (A) high tumor-propagating celllevels and (B)high tumor-propagating cellsymmetric division probabilities,and was significantly higher than control simulations conducted in the absence of evolution (p=[4x10-155,3x10-161,3x10-161] and n=[48,50,50] for maximum neoplasm size=[1x105,5x105,1x106]). Error bars show standard errorof the mean,50 simulations were initialized percondition. Fig.S4.Flow chart depicting the order of events that occurs each day during a simulation. Each box is described in detailin the SupplementaryMethods Submodels section. A B Maximum neoplasm size Final percent of tumor −propagating cells 0 20 40 60 80 100 100,000 500,000 1,000,000 Maximum neoplasm size Final propor tion of symmetr ic divisions 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 100,000 500,000 1,000,000 Start Time Step Each cell can die Each cell can divide EndTime Step Divide Allow dividing cells to mutate Decide daughters' stages Impose limits on neoplasm sizeSupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 5 of 16 1 8 ph(1 + ph)3 Fig.S5.A graphical representation of the transitions between stages associated with the analyticalstage- structured population model.Tumor-propagating cells with high symmetric division rates,ph, are labeled 0H and those with lowersymmetric division rates,pl, are labeled 0L. Transient cells, labelled 1-3, differentiate atcelldivision untilthey terminally differentiate and reach stage 4.Theapoptosisratepa and the cell division rate pc are constant across all stages. Note that one cell in transient stage s-1 divides to become 2 cells in stage s, which is notdepicted graphically butis included in the population projection matrixA in the Materials and Methods. Fig.S6. Increasing the symmetric division rate for the fast-dividing tumor-propagating cells causes an increase in the proportion of tumor-propagating cells.The proportion of tumor-propagating cells in the neoplasm is given by and is plotted here. 0H pc ph 1 2 3 4 paOLpc pl pc (1-pl ) 2 pc papapa pa pa pc (1-ph ) 2 pc 2 pc 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Symmetric division rate (ph) for fast-dividing tumor-propagating cells Pro po rti on o f tu mo r-p ro pa ga tin g ce llsSupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 6 of 16 Supplementary Methods Stage structured population model In ouranalytical, deterministic approach, we constructed a stage-structured population model (Lefkovitch 1965;Caswell2001)to characterize the stable stage distributionof differentiation states. To do so, we split the tumor-propagating cells into two groups:stages 0H and 0L and assigned stage 0H a highersymmetric divisionrate ph than stage 0L pl, such that ph > pl. We then observed the outcome on the asymptotic population composition of “competition” between clones of tumor-propagating cells with different symmetric division rates. Transient and differentiated cells were defined as depicted in Fig.S5. Weconstructedastage-classified matrix model,in which n(t+1) = A n(t),wheren(t)is a vector of stage abundances attime t and A is the population projection matrix. We depict our model both graphically (Fig. S5)and mathematically using the population projection matrix A, . Thisaccountsforboth therateoftransition between stagesand thenumberofindividualsaffected.A matrixentryaijcan be interpreted as the contribution of cellabundances from stage j at time t to the cell abundances in stage i at time t + 1. For example, the number of cells in stage 1 at time t+1 is given by, n1(t+1) = noH(t) pc (1-ph) + noL(t) pc (1-pl) + n1(t) (1 - pc - pa). The rest of the parameters in A are as previously defined (Table S2), where pa is the rate of apoptosis per day and pc is the rate of cell division per day. Thedominanteigenvalueλ1 of matrix A corresponds to the change in population size over time and is constantwhen λ1 = 1. When λ1 > 1, the tumor size increasesand when λ1 < 1, the tumor shrinks. The dominanteigenvalue λ1 of the characteristic equation of A is λ1 = 1- pa - pcph, since ph > pl. Thus, tumor growth depends on the apoptosis and celldivision rates and only the highersymmetric division rate.Using ourdefaultparametervalues forapoptosis and celldivision (Table S2),the tumorsize is constantwhen ph = 0.41176, grows exponentially when ph > 0.41176, and shrinks to extinction when ph < 0.41176. This is consistentwith the observation in our agent-based modelthatsmallinitialprobabilities of symmetric divisions could not sustain a tumor population (Fig. S1). Therighteigenvectorofλ1 gives the asymptotic distribution of cells in the stage classes and in the general case is . From this,weobserve that the asymptotic population distribution value for stage 0L is 0 for all values of pa, pc, ph, and pl, and thus cells with the lower symmetric division rates do not survive. This is consistent with the evolutionary simulations from our individual-based model,in which mutantclones with lower symmetric division rates eventually reached extinction.Theactualdynamicsofthiscellpopulation depend on the initialconditions,in thatthere mustbe cells in stage 0H. Wecancalculatetheproportion of the neoplasm thatcomprises tumor-propagating cells from the aymptotic population distribution by dividing the fraction of the cells thatare in stage 0H by the sum of the € A = 1− pa − pcph 0 0 0 0 0 0 1− pa − pcpl 0 0 0 0 pc(1− ph) pc(1− pl) 1− pc − pa 0 0 0 0 0 2pc 1− pc − pa 0 0 0 0 0 2pc 1− pc − pa 0 0 0 0 0 2pc 1− pa # $ % % % % % % % & ' ( ( ( ( ( ( (SupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 7 of 16 fraction of cells in any stage.Doing this,we find thatthe fraction of tumor-propagating cells in the neoplasm depends only on the symmetric division rate forfast-dividing tumor-propagating cells and is given by . Thus,theproportion oftumor-propagating cells in the neoplasm increases as the tumor-propagating cell’s rate of symmetric division, ph, increases (Fig. S6). 1 8 ph(1 + ph)3SupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 8 of 16 Individual-basedmodeldesignandimplementation Thesemethodsarepresented in ODD protocolstandard formatforindividual-based models (Grimm etal. 2006). Briefly, tumor-propagating cells and transientcells were modeled using NetLogo 4.0.4 (Wilensky 1999). Each day in the simulation, a cell had the opportunity to die,divide,ordo nothing.Transientcells could divide symmetrically a parameterized number of times before undergoing apoptosis or senescence. Exceptwherenoted,transientcellscould notdedifferentiateinto tumor-propagating cells.The probability that a tumor-propagating celldivided symmetrically orasymmetrically was determined by a mutable cell intrinsic trait that could evolve. Modeloverview Purpose Thisindividual-based modeltests how the probability forsymmetric division evolves in tumor-propagating cells,or cancer stem cells,given the cancer stem cellhypothesis of cancer. Entities, statevariables, and scales Each cellin asimulation hasvaluesforthestatevariablesdefined in TableS2. Process overview and scheduling Themodelisbroken into timesteps, each of which is equivalent to 1 day. The flow chart in Fig. S4 outlines the decisions that a cell makes each timestep. Details of the implementation are described in the Submodels below. Adaptation Cellsinthismodelarenotexplicitly encoded with adaptive behavior.Instead,increasing propensity of symmetric division implicitly increases the fitness of the cellby decreasing the rate atwhich cells become fully differentiated and are removed from the population. Sensing Cellsarenot encoded with any sensing ability. Interaction Thereareno directinteractionsorcommunication between cellsin themodel. Stochasticity Celldivision,celldeath,andmutationarestochastic in the model.They are constrained by parameterized probabilities. Observation Forallsimulations,summary dataarerecorded attheend ofthesimulation.Forcertain simulations, summary data are written to a file every 10 days.These data include the number of tumor-propagating cells,the number of transientcells,the observed average propensity for symmetric division by tumor- propagating cells,and the time atwhich simulation crossed the 90% tumor-propagating cells threshold. Modeldetails Initialization SeeTableS2 fortheparametervaluesand theirranges used in the simulations.Simulations are initialized withns tumor-propagating cells and nt transient cells. A cell i is a tumor-propagating cellattime t if its stage is 0,si(t) = 0. A cell i is a transient cell at time t if its stage is not 0, si(t) > 0. All cells have the same SupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 9 of 16 propensity forcelldivision pc and apoptosis pa. Tumor-propagating cells can divide symmetrically or asymmetrically.Both daughter cells from a symmetric division remain tumor-propagating cells.When a tumor-propagating cell divides asymmetrically, one daughter cell remains a tumor-propagating celland the otherdifferentiates into a transientcell(Fig.1A-C).Initially,eachcelli has probability psd,i(0) = psd of symmetric division if itis a tumor-propagating cell.Eachcell’s probability of symmetric division psd,i(t)is allowed to evolve over time.Because a tumor-propagating cellcan only divide symmetrically or asymmetrically,allowing the probabilities of symmetric division or asymmetric division to evolve is equivalent. Submodels Each submodelcorrespondsto adecision in theflowchart(Fig.S4). Each cellcan die Formostofthesimulations,acelldiesfrom background mortality ifitdrawsarandom numberfrom a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 thatis less than the probability forapoptosis,pa. In a subset of the simulations that test the effects of feedback from transient cells to stem cells, transient cells die as before while stem cells with higher numbers of clonaltransientcells die less often than those withfewer.Thenumberofclonaltransientcellsforastem celli at time t, or nc,i(t), is defined as the number of transientcells thatarise from the mostrecentcommon stem cellancestor(as such,the stem celland its clonaltransientcells have common mutational state). Specifically, a stem cells dies if it draws a random numberfrom a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 thatis less than paf(t), the probability for apoptosis underfeedback attime t, where paf(t)is obtained from the sigmoidfunction , and r is an arbitrary constant (r = -0.0001).Varying negative values of r had no effect on the outcome of the simulations. A cellthatisfullydifferentiateddies.Thenumberofdifferentiationstagesisaparameters to the model, and each celli has a state variable that tracks its differentiation level at time t, si(t). Thus, cells with si(t) = s die.The qualitative results of the modeldo notchange if terminally differentiated cells are allowed to remain as quiescent cells in the modeland are slowly cleared by background apoptosis. Each cellcan divide A celldividesifitdrawsarandom numberfrom theuniform distributionbetween0and1thatislessthan the probability for cell division, pc. Allow dividingcellstomutate A cell i acquires a mutation in its probability for its tumor-propagating symmetric celldivision traitif it draws a numberfrom a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 thatis less than the mutation rate,µ. Once it gets a new mutation,the currentprobability forsymmetric division forits daughters,cells j and k, are updated to psd,j(t+1) = psd,k(t+1) = N(psd,i(t),σ), where the mean of the normal distribution is the parental probability of symmetric division,psd,i(t), and σ is the standard deviation parameter. The updated probabilities forsymmetric division are bounded by 0 and 1. Decidedaughters’differentiation level Recallthatthedifferentiationstageforacelli at time t is stored in its local variable si(t). Here, we determine the differentiation stage fordaughtercells j and k. In most simulations, a tumor-propagating cell can divide symmetrically or asymmetrically. It divides symmetrically if it draws a random number from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 thatis less thatits currentprobability forsymmetric division psd,i(t), and asymmetrically otherwise.When a tumor-propagating celldivides symmetrically,both of its daughters remain tumor-propagating cells,sj(t+1) = sk(t+1) = 0. When a tumor-propagating celldivides SupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 10 of 16 asymmetrically,one daughter remains a tumor-propagating cell,sj(t+1) = 0, and the other differentiates into a transient cell,sk(t+1) = 1. A transientcelldividessymmetrically.Mostofthesimulationswererununderanormal,orforward-only differentiation regime,in which the progeny from transientcells were always more differentiated,sj(t+1) = sk(t+1) = si(t) +1. In a subset of the simulations, transient cells were allowed to dedifferentiate according to a parameterized probability,such thatboth daughters became tumor-propagating cells,sj(t+1) = sk(t+1) = 0. Impose limits on neoplasm size If the total number of cells in the neoplasm N exceeds the maximum possible carrying capacity of the tissue nmax, then N - nmax cells are chosen at random for death until the total population is nmax. The total number of cells in a simulation fluctuates overthe course of each timestep, typically decreasing when the cell death submodels are executed and increasing when the cellbirth submodels is executed. Niche-determination of tumor-propagatingcells Weextendedthebasicmodeltoexploretheeffectsofmicroenvironmentally-determined “stemness”,in whichthedifferentiationstructureremains,andanycellthatmovesintothenichebecomesatumor- propagating cell.Tumor-propagating cellself-renewal is defined as a symmetric division in which both daughtercells remain tumor-propagating cells,and has a probability of occurring in celliat time t of psr,i(t). Here,weimplementthemutationandevolutionofself-renewal just as we implemented mutation of symmetric division in the basic model.Allcells are placed on the neoplasm at(0,0) in a 32x32 torus,and the niche is located at (0,0). At cell division, one daughter remains in place and the other moves 1 niche- widthinarandom direction.Anytransientcelli that moves into the niche becomes a tumor-propagating cell,such thatsi(t+1) = 0.Both daughters for a tumor-propagating cellin the niche remain tumor- propagating cells.Tumor-propagating cells notin the niche can only divide symmetrically,and so both daughters j and k are either tumor-propagating cells sj(t+1) = sk(t+1) = 0or transient cells sj(t+1) = sk(t+1) = 1. A tumor-propagating cellnotin the niche self-renews if it draws a random number from a uniform distribution between 0 and 1 thatis less thatits currentprobability forself-renewing division psr,i(t), and differentiates otherwise.The initialprobability fortumor-propagating cellself-renewing division is zero for allcells.Allother transientcells differentiate as previously defined. SupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al. An evolutionary explanation for cancer nonstem cells 11 of 16 Supplementary Tables TableS1.Summarydataforalloftheexperimentalconditionssimulated. Meanfinalprobabilityforsymmetricdivisionandpercentoftumor-propagating cells.Fifty simulations were initiated foreach experimentalcondition,including the default parameter values (see Table S2), control experiments in which the default parameters were used but mutation was not allowed, and varying each of the parameter values. The percent of tumor-propagating cells,the population’s mean probability forsymmetric division,and the time to 90% tumorpropagating cells were recorded.The mean and standard error are reported for these metrics.Mostparameter values resulted in symmetric division rates thatwere statistically greater than the controlsimulation cases (marked *).Significance was obtained using a t-test with the Bonferroni multiple-testing correction (significant at p < 0.0016). Due to the nature of stochastic simulation modeling, sometimes populations went extinct before the simulation completed. The numberof simulations perexperimentthatsurvived for10 years is reported. Probability for symmetric division Percentoftumor- propagating cells Timeto 90% tumor propagating cells (years) Number of simulations Experiment number Parameter value Mean Standard error P-value (* denotes significance) Mean Standard error Mean Standard error Reached 90% Completed Default parameters (see Table S2) ns=50 nt=99,950 pc=0.17 pa=0.07 µ=1x10-3 psd=0.5 σ=0.08 pd=0 d=8 nmax=100,000 0.99892 0.00003 3 x 10-164 * 99.6 0.01 2.97 0.07 49 49 Controlusing defaultparameters(seeTableS2) 2 µ=0 0.5 0 control 12.42 0.03 N/A 0 /49 0 49 SupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al. An evolutionary explanation for cancer nonstem cells 12 of 16 Probability for symmetric division Percentoftumor- propagating cells Timeto 90% tumor propagating cells (years) Number of simulations Experiment number Parameter value Mean Standard error P-value (* denotes significance) Mean Standard error Mean Standard error Reached 90% Completed Probability of dedifferentiation 3 pd=0 0.99888 0.00004 4 x 10-155 * 99.6 0.02 2.97 0.07 48 48 4 pd=0.2 0.97323 0.0025 4 x 10-72 * 94.88 0.45 8.36 0.13 47 50 5 pd=0.4 0.52914 0.00113 2 x 10-30 * 63.32 0.06 N/A N/A 0 50 6 pd=0.6 0.50636 0.00095 1 x 10-08 * 70.86 0.05 N/A N/A 0 50 7 pd=0.8 0.50309 0.00092 8 x 10-04 * 76.31 0.04 N/A N/A 0 50 8 pd=1 0.50302 0.00082 3 x 10-04 * 80.09 0.03 N/A N/A 0 50 Relativequiescenceof tumor-propagating cells 9 pc-tpc / pc-trans = 0.425 0.9989 0.00003 8 x 10-126 * 99.04 0.03 3.75 0.11 36 37 10 pc-tpc / pc-trans = 0.567 0.99895 0.00003 2 x 10-151 * 99.29 0.02 3.66 0.09 45 45 11 pc-tpc / pc-trans = 1 0.99894 0.00002 5 x 10-176 * 99.62 0.01 2.8 0.07 50 50 Number of stages 12 d=2 0.99893 0.00003 3 x 10-164 * 99.93 0.002 2.17 0.04 49 49 13 d=4 0.99892 0.00003 2 x 10-167 * 99.82 0.005 2.51 0.06 50 50 14 d=8 0.99889 0.00005 1 x 10-153 * 99.59 0.02 3.02 0.07 49 49 15 d=16 0.99875 0.00008 3 x 10-79 * 99.03 0.06 4.31 0.17 26 26 SupplementaryInformation. Sprouffske et al. An evolutionary explanation for cancer nonstem cells 13 of 16 Probability for symmetric division Percentoftumor- propagating cells Timeto 90% tumor propagating cells (years) Number of simulations Experiment number Parameter value Mean Standard error P-value (* denotes significance) Mean Standard error Mean Standard error Reached 90% Completed Standard deviation of probability symmetricdivision 16 σ=0.01 0.5527 0.00223 5 x 10-28 * 15.9 0.17 N/A N/A 0 48 17 σ=0.02 0.73384 0.00627 2 x 10-36 * 35.59 0.99 N/A N/A 0 47 18 σ=0.04 0.99777 0.0002 6 x 10-120 * 99.17 0.08 6.58 0.11 47 47 19 σ=0.08 0.99895 0.00002 2 x 10-169 * 99.61 0.01 2.95 0.06 48 48 20 σ=0.16 0.99894 0.00002 6 x 10-166 * 99.62 0.01 1.8 0.06 47 47 21 σ=0.32 0.99895 0.00004 4 x 10-155 * 99.62 0.01 1.18 0.06 48 48 22 σ=0.64 0.99899 0.00002 2 x 10-169 * 99.64 0.01 0.74 0.05 48 48 Mutationrate 23 µ=1x10-7 0.50272 0.00193 8 x 10-02 12.55 0.14 N/A N/A 0 48 24 µ=1x10-6 0.53212 0.01084 2 x 10-03 15.47 1.25 N/A N/A 0 48 25 µ=1x10-5 0.80144 0.01867 4 x 10-21 * 51.7 3.69 8.42 0.43 7 48 26 µ=1x10-4 0.99865 0.00032 1 x 10-112 * 99.5 0.12 5.45 0.18 48 48 27 µ=0.001 0.99892 0.00004 3 x 10-161 * 99.6 0.02 2.99 0.08 50 50 Maximumneoplasmsize 28 nmax=100,000 0.99894 0.00004 4 x 10-155 * 99.62 0.02 3.06 0.06 48 48 29 nmax=500,000 0.99891 0.00004 3 x 10-161 * 99.6 0.01 2.49 0.04 50 50 30 nmax=1,000,000 0.99887 0.00004 3 x 10-161 * 99.59 0.02 2.3 0.03 50 50 Microenvironmentalmodulationoftumor-propagatingcells (niche model) 31 0.99816 0.00014 1 x 10-134 * 98.66 0.1 6.9 0.16 50 50 Fitness increaseto tumor-propagating cells from clonally-related transient cells 32 0.502 0.002 2 x 10-01 33 0.2 N/A N/A 0 50Supporting Information.Sprouffske etal.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 14 of 16 TableS2.Parametervaluesforourmodel of tumor-propagating cellsymmetricdivision. Parameter Description Biologicalvalue Modelvalue(defaultvalue) Number tumor-propagating cells (ns) Initial number of tumor- propagating cells 13,250 - 353,000 cells (Rubinow and Lebowitz 1976) 50 - 500 cells (50) Numbertransient cells (nt) Initial number of transient cells ≈ 5x1010 cells (Rubinow and Lebowitz 1976) 99,950 - 999,500 cells (99,950) Probability of celldivision (pc) The probability a given cell divides each day 0.173 divisions /day (Rubinow and Lebowitz 1976) 0.17 celldivisions /day (0.17) Probability of apoptosis (pa) The probability a given celldies each day 0.071 deaths /day (Rubinow and Lebowitz 1976; Mundle et al. 1994) 0.07 deaths /day (0.07) Mutationrate(µ) The chance of a cellacquiring a mutationeachcelldivision 1.6x10-8 - 1x10-3 mutations / cell division (Araten et al. 2005; Bielasand Loeb 2005; Siegmund etal.2009; Ushijima et al. 2005) 1x10-7- 1x10-3 mutations/ cell division (1x10-3) Probability of symmetric division (psd) Initial probability that a given tumor-propagating cell’s daughters are both tumor- propagating cells,each cell division Unknown 0.05 - 0.95 symmetric / cell division (0.5) Standard deviation (σ) Standard deviation of probability of tumor- propagating cellsymmetric division Unknown 0.01 - 0.64 (0.08) Probability of dedifferentiation (pd) Probability thatagiven transient cell’s daughters are both tumor-propagating cells, each cell division Unknown 0 - 1 / cell division (0) Number of stages (d) Number of possible differentiation stages Minimum8stages,ifAML mimicshematopoiesis (Khanna-Gupta and Berliner 2005; Ansker et al. 2005) 2 - 16 stages (8) Maximumneoplasmsize (nmax) Maximumsize possible for a neoplasm Model-specific 100,000 - 1,000,000 cells (100,000) TableS3.Statevariablesforourmodel of tumor-propagating cellsymmetricdivision. Parameter Description Stage (si(t)) Differentiation stage of cell i at time t, characterizes if cell i is a tumor- propagating cellor any stage of transientcell Probability of tumor-propagating celldivision (psd,i(t)) The probability thata tumor-propagating celli divides symmetrically at time t, once itdivides Supporting Information.Sprouffske etal.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 15 of 16 Supplementary Text Naturalselectioncontinues tofavor a high tumor-propagatingcellsymmetricdivision probability,regardlessofthe numberofdifferentiationstages. In normal hematopoiesis, there are at least 8 distinct maturation stages, or levels of differentiation, in the neutrophillineage (Khanna-GuptaandBerliner2005). It is not known if the levels of differentiation in AMLmimicthat of hematopoiesis,orhow many times a transientcellin AML may divide before it terminally differentiates. Thus, we varied the number of times a cell could divide before terminal differentiation.Inexperiments with constant probability for tumor-propagating symmetric divisions (i.e., no evolution),we found thatincreasing the numberof differentiation stages decreases the percentof tumor- propagating cells in the neoplasm (Fig. S1B). Showing the robustness of ourmodelby varying the number of differentiation stages, wefoundthatnaturalselection still favored high chances of tumor-propagating cellsymmetric divisions (Fig.S1D),and thus high levels of tumor-propagating cells (Fig.S1C). Natural selection continues tofavor a high tumor-propagatingcellsymmetric division probabilityas long as there is sufficient variability in the tumor-propagatingcell symmetric divisiontrait. Mutationintheprobabilityofsymmetricdivision was modeledat cell division as a two-step process.Each cellcould either mutate or not,and if itdid then its currentprobability for symmetric division was updated by drawing a random numberfrom a normaldistribution centered on the parentalcell’s symmetric division rate with a parameterized standard deviation (see SupplementaryMethods). Because the standard deviation of the tumor-propagating cellsymmetric division rate is unknown, we tested a range of values. We also varied the mutation rate across physiologically reasonable ranges. We found that when the mutation rate or the effects of mutations are extremely small, the tumor-propagating cell’s symmetric division probability trait does not evolve during the 10-yearexperiment.However,with sufficientvariability in the symmetric division trait,naturalselection continues to favora high tumor-propagating cellsymmetric division probability and high levels of tumor-propagating cells (Fig.S2). Naturalselectioncontinues tofavor a high tumor-propagatingcell symmetric division probability,regardlessofthe maximumneoplasmsize. To keep themodelcomputationally tractable,default in silico neoplasms had resources to maintain 100,000 cells.When a neoplasm reached this carrying capacity,cells were randomly selected to undergo apoptosis untilthe carrying capacity was again met.We varied the carrying capacity of the neoplasm and found that the population size of the neoplasm has no effect on either the evolution of the probability of symmetric division,orthe finalproportion of tumor-propagating cells in the neoplasm (Fig.S3).Supporting Information.Sprouffske etal.An evolutionary explanation forcancernonstem cells 16 of 16 Supplementary References Ansker,Y.,H.Leung,andC.Vergaillie.2005.Tumor-propagating cellmodelof hematopoeisis.In Hematology:basicprinciplesandpractices, edited by R.E.A. Hoffman. Philadelphia: Elsevier. 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