Table 6.
Incipient Alzheimers disease genes (IADGs) are listed in alphabetical order by gene name for upregulated (positively correlated with NFTI and/or negatively correlated with MMSEI) and downregulated (negatively correlated with NFTI, and/or positively correlated with MMSEI) categories. Probe set, Affymetrix probe set ID (not included in print-out version). Name, gene name. Description, gene title from Affymetrix annotation database. NFTO and MMSEO, overall Pearsons correlations with neurofibrillary tangle (NFT-former) and Mini-Mental Status Exam (MMSE-latter) for all 31 subjects. NFTI and MMSEI, correlations across only control and incipient subjects (n = 16). Negative correlations have negative P values. ANOVA, P value for one-way ANOVA tests across the following groups: control, incipient, moderate, and severe. Gene expression data for each group are mean ± SEM.